Friday, September 02, 2005

MAN i have not posted in awhile, cause... um... i never really felt like it, i sure did have the time... but just plain didnt feel like it.. ANYFREAKIN WAYS all of my friends seem to be complaining about being swamped with homework, yet me... yea im pretty good with managing it, well all cept english, i keep forgetting those... anyways, freakin updates
i made a semi new friend in math a bit back, and he said freshman can be so stupid, i said i was one of the stupid ones and then he started telling me jokes... then i got moved to another seat
some kid named sean in my english AND science class seems to say bless you to me every time i cough, im really not sure why, were starting to wonder what hell do if i sneeze, plus he has a locker near mine... and complained about it "UGGHHH! I HAVE A LOCKER BY ANGELA GAWD" then today he started complaining about something i apparently did, well... not really but he felt i was the one to blame anyways, so i said good job grabbe my sketchbook and scampered off
homecomings coming up, infact its next weekend, bob asked chelsea and now shes stressing out and im going with... some guy... XD nah tis trevor, and im actually debating on wearing a dress o_O;
cassie keeps telling me how screwed up greenmountain is
some kids at greenmountain think im a druggy
marching band is a cult that has taken over the minds and bodys of most of my friends, but, it seems theyre brainwashing hasnt quite worked cause all of them are complaining about it and want to ditch it
i dont see mary much at all at school, maybe a couple times in the hall, but i dont see her until she hits me with a book, she really doesnt stand out all that much
speaking of hitting, i hit jared with my sketch books a couple times when we didnt have our lockers, my backpack was so heavy, and jared pulled on it and i almost fell over, but now we have our lockers ^_^ and i know the number and the combo now, so if you REALLY wanna break into my locker the number is 1395, now figure out the combo yerself XD or pry it out of chelsea o_o shes detirmined to decorate my locker for my birthday
speaking of birthdays, trevors is coming up soon nine days (since this one is about over) and im still not very sure on what to get him, and really hes not helping me with it, saying he has all the greendays cds... right after he told me which ones he had then figured out my alternate motive... not that i can remember it anyways -.-; and consitering ive never been good on shopping for guys im really stumped, i did think of something, but im still not very sure hed like it very much... plus im not sure i have enough material or too much o_o
in other news for the past couple of days ive been sick, and itr seems half of the people i know have been too, so i guess thats probably what hasnt stopped them from hugging me, whether that or they luff me alot ^_^ either way, well ive had a sore throat, which im kinda over (you know those days you wake up and you know yer gonna have problems with yer throat sometime in the day? is so then thats how i felt the first day i was sick, if not then you suck) and a runny/stuffy nose, and now i just have coughing fits, which lead to me trying to keep down my stomach, and sniffleing alot, but now my stomach hasnt helped me much lately, ill be fine then my stomach randomly starts getting really uneasy and i have arguements with it on wether or not to keep my last meal, so far ive been wining... but a few times i almost lost the battle
also since ive been feeling sick youd think that because im REALLY not a big fan of school id take this opertunity to stay home right? WRONG even though i do hate school, i go just to see my friends, which is kinda sad because i dont really see most of them but in the hallways, but i guess trevor has taken over my life a bit, not that i had much of a life to begin with, and not like its a bad thing either, least i have someone to hang out with and such, but with the good comes the bad, aka blackmailing from cassie, and seriously im sick of it... but its not like i can do anything about it -.-
and... im pretty sure thats all the news i have for now o_O; other than cassies trying to blackmail me into playing cards with her, i really wish shed give it a break
ohyea, chelsea trevor and i made a new friend at the park today, and trevor tryied so hard to keep me from climbing the fence, then he ended up helping me down because... well it would have been easier for me to climb the other side, i got half way up and he plucked me off the fence and carried me off as i pouted
ANDDDD trevor and i are getting married in about 7 days... but consitering its a wednesday were thinking of chaging the date or something... which is really funny because the sean kid, he randomly asked how long id been going out with trevor, i said a couple months and he said wow and asked if we were getting married, i started laughing and asked if i said we had a date set if itd freak him out i didnt get to hear his reply though cause ms benzie commented that she heard too much chatter
anyways.. i have some other stuff to say but whatever, im pretty tired... ive been waking up pretty early the past couple of moringings... like last night i woke up at 3:23 just to get up and get some watter and almost throw up.... and go back to sleep which was really cool ^_^ hmm... well imma go get ambers bracelt back from cassie, baii! ^_^


Anonymous said...
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Angie said...

well... *shrug* not like you can stop it so dont worry about it

Anonymous said...

ur going out with trevor hall or a dif trevor?

Angie said...

wellll... who are you anonymous person? and yes trevor hall o_O; wai?