Thursday, October 13, 2005

Cat? Imma kitty-cat!

well since its about an hour before my time to sleep... its gonna be a short post XD and mostly about my thoughts... and hell im such a sucker for people playing with my hair XD i realized that today and... thats about all on my mind other than some other stuff im a sucker for but i wont bore you all with that ^^;;; just like heaven is a good movie...and ive notived that almost every time i get out of a movie im shaking alot o_O im not cold or anything, i start shaking as soon as i stand up, but tonight i was shaking the most i have in awhile, the trying to unravel the caution tape was really odd with unsteady hands XD hmm.. doomy doomy dooomm... cat... imma kitty cat..^^; im so happy right now... SHORTPOSTOMGBAILOVEYS!

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