Sunday, November 06, 2005

it was a cup of good intentions...

have you ever noticed how most relationships work in highschool, and well every grade below too, where people just go through tons of girlfriends/boyfriends without a care, and when they break up its not a big deal at all, like, take daniel clark for example, hes had probably like 9 girlfriends before, and i dont think any of them have lasted over a week, and still he flirts with every girl who he thinks is hot that goes his way, he goes through all of these girls, and they dont seem to mean a thing to him afterwards, like he went out with rachel davis and now that theyre apart he hears someone named rachel and he instantly goes "rachel davis? ewww" its so stupid, and he dumps them then goes out for more, and asked out all these other girls, just to dump them too, and its not big deal, and i dont like people like this, yes i know that theyre experimenting to find what they like, but if theres someone whos looking for a long lasting relationship caught up with people like this then they get hurt and its no fair to them, infact i was one of those people, technically im in my 5th relationship, two of those relationsships i was dumped within a week and heart broken, especially when one of them broke up with me for my best friend, and the other broke up with me for my best friend AND on my birthday, nice way of saying "happy birthday" isnt it? although i guess the internet wasnt the best place to look for a lasting relationship eh? the other two, well one was obsessive and always on the verge of commiting susicide, another, sweet as could be and still my friend, but the whole internet thing was tearing me apart, now i am in a lasting relationship (least i hope so, everyday im paranoid hell find someone better) and its technically my first ACTUAL boyfriend, which makes me really new to all this stuff, but im getting side tracked, my point is that people need to be more... careful before just playing with peoples emotions and making someone just "the flavor of the week" if you know what i mean


Anonymous said...

Robot jungle gyms and the New Work
She settled down to answer some e-mail -- she'd heard from Lester again, which cheered her up -- and saw that her wireless network monitor was going bonkers.
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Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you angie. For some, relationships aren't just something to be thrown away. Certain ppl are looking for more than just someone to be with, they looking for someone that can be more than just a good friend or a person to come to just when you have a problem. Someone you can talk to about anything and not give you grief. To be with when you need something more than just company. Someone to talk to when no one else cares to listen, to hold and be held by. To make you feel like you belong , to fill the void that the company of a good friend cannot. To talk to at night when you can't sleep and not mind staying up with you. To know that someone's thinking about you. That your missed, and to be there when you feel like the worlds turned it's back. To be loved