Sunday, January 01, 2006

Day 32

happy new years
anyways, some odd days ago i went to the mall with amber... it was the 27th, i know that because it was my parents anniverary


although, they dont read my blogs, for good reasons too so they will never find this *shrug* its the thought that counts
after the mall inwhich i bought a corset shirt thing ^_^ amber says i look hot in it, but its hard to get in and out of e_e seriously it is, i spent the night at ambers house and my parents went to the moose hill cantina, we went to james house and hung out there, then went back to ambers, we watched a movie and finally went to bed around 2am, and woke up the next morning to my phone vibrating from text messages, we went to my house got music onto ambers bean, went back to ambers and hung out with james and minkia until around 3:30 or something, then amber and i went with james and monika went home, after we drove around and did some stuff we went back to james house and i borrowed his balls XD ANYWAYS mom picked me up from ambers around 6 i went home and ate spaggetti for the second night in a row, and went to bed at midnight, next morning or the one after that... i dont know, i think i missed a day or something mom woke me up, i got ready, i apparently missed a poser blizard, we went to trevors house, i dropped off gifts and ran to the car and we drove up the mountain to my aunts house, we being me my mom and cassie, i stayed two nights up there, one inwhich roster and emmerson (my aunts dog and cat) slept with me, around 12 or something i went home from my aunts on the third day, oh and at my aunts house i got some lily gifts for a belated christmas present, and a ring for a super early birthday present, so anyways i went home, loitered, finnally got ready, took a shower and all that good stuff, justin came over helped me pack up the xbox and he drove me to missys house for a newyears party, and we got lost, and i was still like 15 minutes early, so we munched on snacks and waited for beefcake, aka fuji, fuji came and we munched some more, played DDR for about an hour, then played sims 2 for 5 hours, then around 10 fujis dad came to pick her up, and she used some of the party poppers thing,then after that was over we looked for missys cat, watched the ball drop, then missy and i watched monty python and the quest for the holy grail, for my first time ever seeing it,then we watched the ball drop for a second time, went wild with party poppers and noise makers... and 30 party poppers in all were shot by JUST me missy and fuji that night, then we watched some anime, aka cor...something highschool, then we went to sleep, it took me about an hour to find a confortable position on the chair, in the morning we ate "eggnog frenchtoast" i was kinda reluctant to eat it because i dont like eggnog at all, but it was pretty good, soggy though XD then missy and i played sims until 1 where missys dad took me home, and here i am now whooooo!

1 comment:

Angie said...

*totally e-mailed you?*