Monday, February 13, 2006

I miss one day of school... ONE DAY

so alas friday i was sick from school, i missed three tests, first period (english) i was just bored beyond comprihension, you know why? because the WHOLE period all we were doing was talking about the homework project we got on friday and did over the weekend, second period (studyhall) i got lost, out whole small feild trip to the new study hall on thurday last week did me no good, consitering they showed me the wrong room, i wasnt there long, for i had to go to science to make up my science test (by then i had already done my missed french test... well all except the listening portion i get to do that tomorrow morning during access) 3rd period (gov.) my GOD i was basically just highlighting things ^_^; cause our class is already behind to begin with, ms clappham hopes me to have my rough draft of my constitution done by tomorrow, i dont think thats going to happen, lunch! finally! some time to relax, well kinda, there was alot of laughing with jared and almost choking on whatever i was eatting or drinking at the moment, and kicking joe ^_____^ i just find it fun to act like imma kick him and he immediately flinches and says hes wrong and sorry o_o; too bad that doesnt work on cassie, math, well confusion, and attempting to ignore chanler e_e he keeps asking me to draw him, but you know imma get yelled at while im trying to draw his pose since he sits BEHIND me -_-; french, we mostly just talked about lui and luer, photography, i bulk loaded and organized... i should shoot tonight but, there isnt much daylight left since i came home late, ill do it tomorrow, hopefully with a friend or something, anyways, after school i took my math test, omg HORRIBLEIDIDHORRIBLE i know it T_T none of the answers made sense one of the questions didnt make sense to me at all and i think it was worth like 8 points T_______T one of the calculater problems came out as error and i checked it three times... after that i went to the front of the school and talked to kelly, then she left along with some other people then i talked to nanet (i think thats how you spell it) jessica, and emily, we all kinda left at the same time, and i gave emily a ride home and when we were close to her house were like "OMGROUTTWAYWELIVEONTHATSTREETTHATISNTTHATSTREET" (theres two routt ways, and i found it odd that theyre both by seperate robbs, and theyre both seperate churches, and theyre both by seprate simmis, like they just decided to make some roads within walking distance with the same names, that dont connect, mom said they might have at one time, i started laughing that someone would just come along and go "HEY LETS BUILT OUR HOUSE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD AND MAKE A COLDASAC!" X3 now im home, and listening to cassie go on to her friend jeremy about meth labs

TOMORROWS VALENTINES DAY! do you got your sweetheart? we all know trevors got his, its todd <3

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