Wednesday, February 15, 2006

wanna buy a phillip? a what... a phillip... is it black? WHAT!NO ITS NOT PINK YOU WHORE!

SOOOOO! yesterday! i spent from the time i got home from school till... 5 i think to take pictures at belmare, then i spent till bedtime cleaning my room, OMGITSCLEAN anyways, last night and the other couples nights ive been... sleeping weird i guess? i dont know, i keep waking up at random times and it feels like ive been sleeping for hours but its only been 20 minutes, its weird... very fufilling though, anyways, cassie was awake, and woke me up this morning, english we had disscussions the whole period, government erin and i made up a scenario, and man it was fun X3 she forgot it though so were doing it on tuesday, annnnd... lunch phillip monika laurel and erin and i all played the you wanna buy a duck game X3 like all of lunch too, then when the bell rang phillip grabbed my soda and ran off with it T_T i chased him and almost killed myself trying to jump on him, (he stuck his foot out and i tripped) and i didnt gte it back till math started... then he stole it back and i didnt get it back till i stole his book, and then i almost didnt get it back, photography i developed film then i drew on the chalk board and we had a sub, omg she was so nice and she had the coolest accent ^____^ and gosh... ivy is so nice, its just like zomigawdooze, i mean seriously, she let me listen to her ipod, and man if i ever need a confidience boost i let her see my pictures o_o; shes such a good photographer and she loves it i know it, but shes always so down on herself, and shes sooooo good, and well after that i found lana and stuff and me her and jared walked down a couple streets found jareds mom and she drove us the rest of the way XD its funny how normal conversations with lana and jared can turn so odd so fastanyways at lanas we did our french thing which i needto memorize, and every time i saw joey id go "ITSS YOOOOOOU" then id pet him and id say "ILOVEYOOOOOU" and hed run off as soon as he heard i love you so it went like "ITSJOEY! i loveee yooooooouuu.... come backkkkk!" so anyways now i have sims 2 and im going to whore it to no end... or atleast till i get fed up with the sims not doing what i want or them piddling on the floor

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