Tuesday, May 30, 2006


KAY! so today... woke up late, and 1st period i was totally drained... i dont think i did too well on the final, third- NOFINALWHEE, the whole mock trial thing, that was cooler than any final, it was funny when ben was doing the rebuttle and he said "now if you were to fall off a building youd scream right?" so levi says no, so ben kinda stands there and smiles then says "that was a rhetorical question" i started laughing... it was funny... to me atleast, ANYWAYS, then math... that wasnt so bad, atleast sean didnt try to cheat off me, he did however try to take the calculater i was borrowing from erin, i almost kicked his ass for that... photography... welll that was fun, we criqued, and alot of people liked the panaramic of my room, most favorites ive gotten all this semester, so that was happy...after school adi came over to work on the rivers project, we were both way too distracted, it was almost sad, she really wanted to play with the hamsters though... OMGSHORTPOSTWHEEEE

1 comment:

Anthony said...

yay for one day left. SHORTCOMMENTWEEEEEEEE