Wednesday, May 31, 2006

YAY summ-ER man, SUM er.... SUM E-R ...some emergency room

*cough* um... dont ask about the title because honestly, i dont know either, so anyways today was the last day of school, i got up late, and i didnt know the clarks were picking me up this morning, well... lets just say i only had enough time to get dressed shove some papers in my backpack hope they were the right ones, grab some tictacs my sweater and DASH out the door... kinda odd while im dressing and mom yells "ANGIE YOUR RIDES HERE" oddly enough, i randomly threw some stuff on, and it matched, *shrug* chelsea was proud of me, ANYWAYS, when i got to school i went to my locker then realized i didnt need to, i found missy and fuji right off the bat, so we all walked to study hall because i dont like carrying my backpack, we hung out outside of the room talking about sneezes with laura XD then i found ellie and sharon, stole ellies cupid bow and arrow and i stabbed people =D <3 anyways.. first period, study hall... well i did nothing that period, actually... fuji and i drew something together, kinda weird i think ill put it on dA later for all those of you... *what 3 people? XD jared jesus and ellie? XD* who wanna see it... remind me and ill put it up, 4th period... science i spent most of the period asking jacob stupid questions, but i got CANDY from ryan, so that made me uber happy.. next was french, but before that started i gave jesus some sheep monthly's to read, and well... the french final wasnt too brudal.. but crap, the oral final, the one i thought i did pretty good on, pfft... partcaly profecient... man that just totally screwed up my day, ADAM did better than me ADAM, the one who could never remember his vocab and ALWAYS asked me or ryan... ugh... anyways, the last while in class we had to our selves, well i was talking to thea and julianna, thea is convinced that adam and i are going to be lovers, so all of a sudden she says "angie, go ask out your boyfriend, now. go." i shake my head and thea says "oh come on, ill even call him over" so she does, he comes over and he asks how we did on the french oral final, well i tell adam mine and hes like "OHYEA i did better than her!" then decided to air hump towards thea, thea startes yeling "ew no go away" and kicks him a couple times, and that was the end of that, after class jesus came and gave me the sheep monthlys back, it was nice to have someone there after class, no one really does that, most of the time im walking through the halls alone, and you now what i really hate? the feeling i have when im walking alone, when everyone around me id people ive never seen or talked to before, i hate the feeling of isolation i get, i hate the feeling of being just a face in the crowd, i hate that if i were to have a panic attack right there, the most that probably everyone would do would be to step over me as im laying on the floor, so if you see me walking fast through the halls, thats why... ANYWAYS um... after school i cleaned out my locker, and judi took chelsea dan and i to DQ, well i ended up staying at theiur house for a bit, called home a bunch but no one answered, eventally chelsea and i walked to my house, then took ducky for a walk to the park, and... we said something funny... she said "OMG IM PUTTING THAT ON MY MYSPACE!" and i said "omgimputting that on my blog" well a couple hours later and neither of us could remember what we were going to put on our sites XD, came back then walked back to chelseas house, when we got there we watched tv, i told chelsea to sleep before she had to work, she went to sleep, then i watched daniel play a mafia game, and i fell asleep on the couch while daniel was talking to me XD i dont even think he noticed i was asleep, wel their dog louie ended up waking me up by licking my face, then i watched him play this... mental institution game, now that was awsome, you could talk to some of the mental patients, one of them asked "where are the pirates?" and he also said "i like my shock theropy, it makes me see pretty stars" and "have you seen my pet rat? hes blue and 7 feet tall" thats all i got to hear before daniel killed him with 1337 skillz, then i went to the mall with chelsea and well, i hung around love sac for awhile until emo kid showed up, aka robert, aka boy who doesnt take a hint, he kept hitting on chelsea when she was clearly irritated, and he kept getting all close to her tyring to kiss her, finally i got sick of the flirting and since my soda wasnt waking me up well i walked a lap around the mall, when i got back i ended up sitting alone and stuff, till cassie called me, i went and met her, then we shopped a bit, she got an ICP tshirt and a superman hat, i got a rainbow wristband and some glow in the dark bracelets, he finally left for awhile with his cancer sticks...and then around 9:30 i went home and ate something other than tic tacs =D whoooo, now im just... soakin up the glory that is summer... talkin to bryson elliepet, kinda jesus, and kyle, cause i cannn! whooo...kaybainnow<2+1


okay so while chelsea and i were walking ducky we heard the icecream truck... so we started singing

"its the icecream truch
its the icecream truck
its the icecream truck
oh its the icecream truck
its the icecream truck
its the icecream truck
its the icecream truck
i loveeeeeeee yoooooooooooooooou"

...yes lame but we were really hot and sleep deprived

1 comment:

Anthony said...

Whoa...that entire blog was only, like, 2 sentances. Anyway, I'lll try to see you after class next year. I had no idea you didn't like being alone so much! Next year, I promise. <3