Thursday, June 01, 2006

No sex on the couch

so yes, this will be editied later, but just so i dont forget, because i have a streak of doing that lately, its like.. 11:21, and some kid decids to give us the news paper, well when hes giving some to the people across the street, he throws it to the front step and the bag of the paper flies off and the paper pages go everywhere, that! was my entertainment for... now i guess... someone go to the mall with me =( or something.. i need entertaiiinnnmennntttt, maybe ill call jared later or something, gather some friends and go see a movie or something.


so ive got some things on my mind
how is it we all change so quickly, and dont even realize it? when i was at my aunts house i was looking at some of my journals and stuff from just... the beginning of the school year or so, and... i was much happier, or atleast i seemed that way, today i was reading some of lana's old blog and she seemed just more hyper and distracted, and even just over the course of this year my friends have changed so much, everyone through the awkwardness of the first year of highschool has nade their way into some clique, take ashley for example, at the beginning of the year, she was new, just moved here, no friends, she was in my study hall class, first day orientation, while we played the stupid games to learn everyones names she stood next to me, i kept myself from commenting about her obvious like of insane clown posse because i didnt think shed like me, months later i found out she had been trying to catch my eye contact for almost the whole time, so we could start up a conversation, anyways later that first week of school, laura and ashley had another class together and they made friends, (i had been friends with laura through 8th grade) ashley offered me a pixie stick one day at lunch and i befriended her, throughout the whole first semester in study hall laura, ashley and i would write notes, but soon it was only laura and ashley and i was soon left out, then ashley started ditching class, laura did the same, after their ditching theyd be laughing and telling me about it, making me feel all the more left out, one day when ashley wasnt at school, i attempted to drag laura to class because she was in enough trouble for ditching, she put up a fight and after dropping the backpack i had been dragging her by, she walked a bit back, i yelled "FINE, just dont go to class! see if i care!" threw her backpack and stopped off to class, for about two weeks ashley was missing from class, laura started coming back to class, and we forgot about that fight, we started getting more worried about ashley, i guess we had a good reason to, she fell into a clique, the stoners. she never goes to class anymore, the only reason she goes to school is to get more weed and see her friends, im not one of those friends anymore, laura doesnt think she is either, laura still gets hugs from ashley, i get nothing, and even laura has changed, shes more depressed now too, everyone else has seemed to fall into cliques yet i havent, i seem to be stuck between a couple cliques, half of my friends are part of the stoners clique, the rebel clique, the rest are band kids, goodytwoshoes, gamer freaks, or art freaks, but what am i? ive changed this year but im still the same, i have more knowlegde of the world, yet i still have most of my innocence, hell the most horrible thing ive done is drink


Anthony said...

Clicks are dumb Angie. It doesn't matter what one you belong to all that matters is...surviving I guess. That sounds right.

Angie said...

well itd still feel good to belong to just one