Sunday, June 11, 2006

Bored bored bored bored...

day two of staying home, i probably wont be going anywhere anytime soon because dad has races and mom hasnt been feeling well, i dont know whats going on with photography this summer... which starts next week least ill have something to do, make some new friends cause i can almost garentee that no one i know well if going to be there... but thats even if it happens, i just hope tashi doesnt do it, i dont think i could stand to see her everyday fer a couple weeks in the summer time, i mean sure shes nice and all but almost all she talks about is smoking e_e
justin has cut the top of his jeep off, which means cassie has forbid me of ever being in his car
my arm is still brusied from kenton biting me
my tounge hurts from eatting so many pixiesticks and sugar, by the end of the summer i can almost garentee some cavities
i think i might even be starting to miss school
if i dont go to elitches sometime soon i think i may just scream, although i want to go with someone so i wont be alone with CASSIE just because i cant drive yet, someone else get a season pass and go with me fer a bunch of the summer? please?

last night i had a long conversation with mitch, that was nice, and quite amusing
miznatch101: Nice pictures. Ellie showed me. c(=p
Angie : X3 ive got so many more too, we all look so... young, well.. i dont i look about the same cept fer my hair
miznatch101: Words. I really changed.
miznatch101: Necklace...pfft
Angie : lol
Angie : yer like the one whos changed the most
miznatch101: I'd have to agree. Deffinatly mentaly
Angie : mentally... ive grown alot mentally =D
miznatch101: Yes, we're all very mentally tall. Yes.
Angie : does that mean i might be taller than someone mentally? =D
miznatch101: Yes.
Angie : like the only one im taller than physically is lana
miznatch101: Yeah, she's a dwarf.
miznatch101: They like being called dwarfs right?
Angie : nue o_o
miznatch101: I like being called a drawf.
miznatch101: Remember good ol' Tech Arts and Crafts?
Angie : ohyaw, ive got a picture of you and jared in tech arts on my wall
Angie : or i did
miznatch101: O_O_
miznatch101: _
Angie : i think i took it down when i got really upset
miznatch101: When you were mentally short?
Angie : XD no
miznatch101: Temporally
Angie : just emotionally
miznatch101: I remember when I was cutting some wood.
miznatch101: And I slipped and something went flieing across the room.
miznatch101: It was my foot. Inside my shoe.
Angie : i never had to use the saw or the drill
miznatch101: And somehow... the laces came undone.
miznatch101: Oh cool
miznatch101: I didnt like the taste of either
Angie : o_O the taste of what?
miznatch101: The drills/saws
Angie : tased them eh?
Angie : *tasted
miznatch101: To become one with the equip.
miznatch101: You must
Angie : XD
Angie : i just noticed
Angie : that jared and trevor had the same type of shoes in 8th grade
miznatch101: Yeah. They thouhgt they were all cool and stuff.
miznatch101: I like posting on other peoples blogs.
miznatch101: Even though there's a small chance people read the,.
miznatch101: I laugh
miznatch101: Wakka
miznatch101: Hey! Well done, you have the only blog that has the time correct!
miznatch101: Mabye an hour off but uhhh...
Angie : yae!
miznatch101: yaya!
Angie : i dont even pay attention to the time
miznatch101: Cool!
miznatch101: Haha. Post name = Sammitch
miznatch101: Sammich
Angie : youd like to see what though?
miznatch101: Yay! ....huh?
Angie : the comment lol
miznatch101: Oh Anthony crap his pants and suffer from a stroke because you scared him
Angie : lol
miznatch101: A non-fatal stroke.
miznatch101: of course.
Angie : of course
miznatch101: Those happen all the time.
Angie : lol
miznatch101: Crap it's late!
miznatch101: Uh.
miznatch101: Early?
miznatch101: Nah
Angie : only 1:16
miznatch101: Yes as a matter of fact.
miznatch101: Only
miznatch101: huh
miznatch101: Well.
miznatch101: I got 1:17
Angie : well... yer clock sucks
miznatch101: on 3 watches.
Angie : all of them suck
miznatch101: Yeah. Guess so.
miznatch101: I'll just bash in my computer with a bat because it sucks.
Angie : =D
miznatch101: Better break my wrist becasue my watch sucks
Angie : no
Angie : just the watch
miznatch101: I need to strap my clock to a Rocket to the moon ..because it sucks.
Angie : unless the watch is like drawn in with pen or something
miznatch101: No. It's ... real
miznatch101: see!
Angie : no!
Angie : im blind!
Angie : ohnoes!
miznatch101: late. I can't even come up with a funny word for real
Angie : lol
Angie : its okay..
Angie : i wont bask yer head in
Angie : *bash
Angie : i will make typos though =D
miznatch101: Sounds like a term often used in cooking.
Angie : bask?
miznatch101: Yes bask.
Angie : all i think of is "basking in the sun" or something
Angie : for like... sunscreen or something
miznatch101: Short for Basketball?
Angie : "lets go bask some ball!"
Angie : ._.
miznatch101: Hmm..
miznatch101: That needs some work.
miznatch101: We'll get bask to that leter.
miznatch101: Lorl
Angie : lol
miznatch101: Roffffffffffffphles
Angie : omfgbbqqtipslols
Angie : ._.
miznatch101: lmao
miznatch101: Good one
Angie : *bows*
miznatch101: *applause*
Angie : id like to thank... pixie sticks
Angie : *tears up*
miznatch101: *tissue*
Angie : i never thought id get this far *sniffle*
Angie : now i can die happy!
miznatch101: *applause simmers.
Angie : simmers
miznatch101: *standing ovation*
Angie : makes me think of cooking
miznatch101: I love cookin
Angie : i like it when it involves microwaves
miznatch101: I've only made mac an cheese but ya know.
miznatch101: Yeah!
miznatch101: mee too!
Angie : X3 *highfive*
miznatch101: I'm a pro in the toaster field.
Angie : me too!
miznatch101: Not anymore though.
Angie : especially with begals
miznatch101: We got new toaster.
Angie : ...bagles
Angie : XD
miznatch101: Alien toaster.
Angie : "lets shove a dog in the toaster!"
miznatch101: Those are like dogs AnG.
miznatch101: Yeah, youch.
Angie : poor dog
miznatch101: poor like** dog
Angie : although i guess we should say poor cow or something when we eat hamburgers
Angie : and poor misc animal when eatting at mc donalds
miznatch101: Nah, you can't really turn cow into a typo and I dont toast bovine patties.
miznatch101: Hahaha
Angie : theres um... cog
Angie : ._.
Angie : lets eat clocked =D
Angie : er
Angie : clocks*
Angie : like yer sucky clocks
miznatch101: mmmm. Not mine though, cuz they all suck.
Angie : just shove it in the alien toaster
miznatch101: errr...
miznatch101: Right along side the like dog
Angie : least they can make one last friend before being burnt to a crisp
Angie : or enemy
miznatch101: Yeah.
miznatch101: Two roads.
Angie : ...a fork in the road, a branch in the river
Angie : louis and clark, CLARK AND LOUIS! =D
miznatch101: ...a call to the cops... you uys gotta help us!
miznatch101: guys**
Angie : i hated those programs
miznatch101: Haha, louis and clark.
Angie : someone should have shot ms lepki-sims
miznatch101: I was the breaer
miznatch101: Breaker
miznatch101: Ya.
miznatch101: Pow.
miznatch101: Dead
Angie : i still remember some of the dinosaur songs from first grade
miznatch101: I dont remember all of em
Angie : mostly the stegasaurous song
miznatch101: or all of 1.
Angie : which part of one do you remember?
miznatch101: Faintly the t-Rex song
miznatch101: Tyranisourus Rex....Rawr!
miznatch101: Was a nasty dinosaur
miznatch101: j0o see my dream comment in the blog?
Angie : and... tara tara dacyl
Angie : er
miznatch101: Yeah, that too
Angie : ...yup!
miznatch101: Where are you...Where are you?
Angie : and the whole flying thing... were we swayed
miznatch101: Yeah, thats what you get for letting Ali (?) Bowen do the corieographing
Angie : she made up the moves?
miznatch101: I dunno, Rikki and her were pretty much suck-ups and did everything for her.
Angie : im left handed
miznatch101: It's a gift, have you found your talent yet?
Angie : pfft i have no talents man
Angie : unless you count breathing
miznatch101: You can take pictures better than me.
Angie : XD that just cause my dad was a photographer
miznatch101: You cant breete with your left hand... but if you could, that would be one hell of a talent
Angie : XD
Angie : hand puppets!
miznatch101: No, I'm thinkin like Navy sneak in and blow darts to the neck.
miznatch101: through water
miznatch101: raining
miznatch101: in a jungle
Angie : in the middle of the ocean?
miznatch101: Odd that you get the ocean setting.
miznatch101: So did I.
miznatch101: Effective commercial.
Angie : have you ever seen the commercial... with the pickles?
Angie : its an annoying commercial
miznatch101: Sounds like it.
Angie : theres this girl and a boy and the boy is asking if the pickle is juicy and crunchy and the girl says no to both questions then the boy asks what it is and she says its both
miznatch101: GOD I HATE THAT!
Angie : its annoying XD it doesnt make sense
miznatch101: none at all.
Angie : french commercials are worse
miznatch101: O_0
Angie : there was this one for coke and it was just a guy singing in the shower
miznatch101: Oh. My. Fkin'. God.
miznatch101: What in the world were they thinking?
miznatch101: I'd like to find whoever made that, and stab then in the underarm area.
Angie : lol
miznatch101: God that would hurt.
miznatch101: Like... Ya. There's a major artery like right there. so, they'd prolly Die.
Angie : or you could just slit their wrists
Angie : or run them over with a steam roller

YAY for making this an unbelievably long post!


Anthony said...

I'd go to Elitches with you. But it would be cool to take a whole bunch of people one day. But whatev.Er.Whatever.

Angie said...

yaw!but its hard enough fer me to round up a bunch of people to just go to the park with me e_e

L.E. said...

Cheese and Rice you guys! That was longer, and more pointless than any other conversation I've had with either of you two! Lol. What goes in the section marked "*somestuffhere*"?? O_o hmmmmmmm????????