Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Cannibis Lollypop?

so um... last night i had an odd dream ._. so i was at my aunts house withy my mom and sister, and my dad i guess, well i was trying to show them what i had made on the computer and they said they watched it and junk, later when we were all going to bed mom asked to see it, and i made a big deal that she had obviously been ignoring me, then cassie walks into the room and gives mom and dad a cannibis suckers, mom opens it then realizes im in the room and trys to give it back to cassie, saying shell have it later, well im upset and i grab the sucker and start sucking on it knowing itll surely tick off my mom, well she let it go and stuff, and went to bed, when i went back to my room cassie was there and i started screaming at her to get out of my room, around the fifth "CASSIE GET OUT OF MY ROOM PLEASE!" she stabbed me and i woke up
one of the weirdest parts was i could actually taste and smell the sucker

anyways in other news not much has been happening lately, monday was gay pride day at elitches, i didnt go this year, but last year i ended up going with lana, that was fun
lately ive been reading the web comic "questionable content" its actually really good, although some of the jokes go over my head because i dont know much about indie music, but still, if you wanna read it its at i finished all... 600 something comics last night, now for me to read all of whogirl and vgcats, its something thatll amuse me while my friends go out on adventures
speaking of friends, june came back on monday and yesterday we went to the mall, first time ive gone to the mall and didnt go hottopic, kinda odd, but we walked around, read books on borders, which i found a really cool book called "you dont know me" by david klass, i got like... 1/5 of the way through it, and at parts it confused me and junk but i still liked it, although i would have rather been reading the rest of "go ask alice" but i couldnt find that so *shrug* whatever i guess, after that we went and found chelsea working then when her shift was up cassie june chelsea and i went to starbucks
OH and on cellphoneage news... wellllll, since my contract isnt over for another year itll cost like 180 bucks to buy the CHEAPEST phone, but they said we can bring a phone bought off of ebay or something and transfer the number, so if moms contract isnt up well use cassie and my old phones for my phone, its better than nothing right?
and mom found my silver ring ^_____^ its been lost since like... christmas, we found it in a kingsoopers bag, who would ever guess looking there eh? well were gonna get it sized anyways so i dont loose it again
AND ducky and his dog trainging... well puppy training.. but anyways yesterday while i was there one of the bigger dogs, his name is gus, hes like... a huge... bavtoveen (spelling?) puppy, from the movie? you know? well anyways gus got to close to me, and ducky flipped out totally scratched up my legs and BIT the other dog, which was like 8 times bigger than him, i mean seriously...

ANYWAYS! places we go and kiddnapp june away! ill probably have more to say later

miznatch101: fkin' where's Joe?
Angie : *shrug* i know hes back from japan
miznatch101: Ya. What a little...whatever
miznatch101: My little 'Add request Pending ' thing has been going for about 2 months
Angie : *shrug* next time hes on ill tell him "get the fuck on yahoo and accept mitch into yer life! >=("
miznatch101: Yeah, tell him that everytime he doesnt add me and i'm on, I cut my wrist. with egg beaters
Angie : ohnoes =O
miznatch101: Hey uh, just a question...
miznatch101: ...
miznatch101: Are you a human?
Angie : nue ._.
miznatch101: Does sleep mean anything to you? lol
Angie : nope =D
Angie : sleep is for the week
Angie : *weak
Angie : and the good spelling
miznatch101: Yeah. I guess.
miznatch101: Yeah! Lusrs wth there ghud spealing.
Angie : i nos lololololz e_e
miznatch101: hahahar.
miznatch101: Well, I value the daytime so I must prepare...
Angie : with batteries =D
miznatch101: In the form of rest yes. So I'm not going to sleep. Cuz I'm not a W3akling..., I'm simply 'recharging'.
miznatch101: right?
miznatch101: yes.
Angie : yes
Angie : oh mighty one
Angie : sleep... is like plugging outrself in
Angie : especially if your an andriod
miznatch101: The Matrix?
Angie : havent seen it
miznatch101: oh. sorry.
miznatch101: Or your a Hybrid car.
miznatch101: They are not for the weak either,
miznatch101: coma
miznatch101: uhh..
Angie : yay for comas =D
miznatch101: I guess I need recharge more than I had previously plunderd.
miznatch101: Yeah. ok.,,. I'll talk to you later.
Angie : bai mitch <3
miznatch101: C-c-c-..bbye
miznatch101 has signed out. (6/29/2006 1:17 AM)

because i love how random i can be with mitch

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