Sunday, June 25, 2006

I'm pregnant with a vibrater! ...wait...

so the 23rd i went to elitches, although i almost lost hope when i called all of my friends and no one could go, i almost stayed home, then erin came online and i yelled at her for not answering her phone XD we worked out details and junk and then danny cassie and i went to go pick her up, he mom spazed out because my hair was red, and i got a hug, shes one of the only mothers of my friends who hug me, but anyways, we were off to elitches... kinda, we stopped at the gas station and went by a correctional facility just so cassie and danny could yell "owow! take it off!" which suprizingly, several guys lifted their shirts, we found some guy danny knew who was walking down the road, we stoped and talked to him then off to elitches, as soon as we got in one of the security guards took my collar, why? i have no idea, i mean serioudly, what mischief could i cause with a collar? now before you think of "you could strangle someone with it" you can do that with any necklace, and i know it wouldnt be "itd get caught on some of the rides" or something like that because only about four of my fingers can fit between it and my neck, so we have no idea why they took that but not my goggles which i had around my neck also, after that erin and i split away from danny and cassie, we went on rides, so did they, i forced erin to go on the tower of doom, i told her if she didnt walk there willingly id pick her up and carry her there, and if she didnt go on it, i wouldnt talk to her for the rest of the day, she called me cruel and i nodded, as soon as we got on it though the ride broke and they told us to wait in the exit and theyd let us on when they fixed it, when i took off my glasses like i always do they took my glasses from me, i hate when they do that because i end up losing my glasses way too easily, id rather just hold them, but anyways as soon as we got to the top, i started counting and the first thing erin says to me is "ANGIE! i hate you!" later when we went onto the seadragon erin said "hey we should scream when everyone else starts screaming" and i replyed with "why wait?" then screamed, it confused alot of people because the end we were on was going down, the three guys behind us started asking each other what the hell was wrong with me, i started laughing and the guy infront of me looked back
me: what
he stared at me
me: come on, scream
he shook his head
me: just scream, come on
him: you screamed in my ear
me: well scream in mine then, be even, just scream
him: i cant scream in your ear, youre behind me
me: just scream!
him: you scream, i dare you
so i screamed
him: oh yea, do it again
so i did, twice
him: another?
me: no now my throat kinda hurts
so he yelled
me: YEA!
him: there i screamed
erin: that was a yell not a scream
so he yelled again and erin and i screamed
the ride ended and i never saw him again, he was kinda cute *shrug*
we also went on the rainbow and my cell phone went off, i looked at it and i got a text messsage, i didnt get to check it before my phone died, cassie wouldnt let me use her battery to figure out who sent it to me either
we went out to lunch, i got my collar back and cassie stole it from me
when we got back to elitches we watched some guys dress as girls at the olde time photo and get pictures taken, because gotees go wonderfully with green and pink dresses
and the tilt-a-hurl, and we watched the parade and erin and i ran off to rides, sadly though i lost my cell phone somewhere between the twister 2 and the batman arena, we watched carnival de fauygo, which was awsome by the way, i highly recomend watching it, and if you do, bring me i wanna go see it again, after the show we spoke with shannon, i realized my cellphone was gone and shannon told me to go fill out a lost form in the guest relations office, we did and now i can only hope they find it
so um.. no use in texting or calling my cell phone, its dead and lost... i also made some arm warmers out of bubble wrap =D

yesterday teh 24th, it was liz's birthday and i know shell probably never read this butttt


i did nothing most of the day other than put things on dA, laura called and there was a hell of a rainstorm, the water was running UP the street, and it all happened within minutes, thats colorado fer ya eh?
later laura picked me up and we went to go rent some movies to watch, we got redeye, another movie i cant remember, date movie, and elizabethtown, we only got to watch date movie and elizabeth town, while we watched date movie there was alot of snacking on pizza and crapes and laura and i going "OMG EWWWWW" while switching movies we were messing with a back massager thing, and i put it on her stomach, then she goes "ANGIE! im pregnant with a vibrater!" i started at her and laughed so hard i fell off the couch, while we were watching elizabethtown i kept giggling until i finally settled down i layed on laura, which was pretty comfy, when the movie was over it was about 7 minutes till midnight and laura and i were really out of it, we both kept giggling and walking back and forth and i started reading some of the stuff on the back door which was all this stuff of "waiting until marriage" laura and i both found them funny, "'keep both feet on the floor and dont get horizontal'? haha, youre just talking to some guy and he puts his feet on the table and you scream at him about getting horizontal" we also decided that the strawberries in the punch werent strawberries but they were parts of dans heart, dan is lauras boyfriend by the way when it got to midnight lauras mom brought me home, and i stayed on the computer till somewhere around 4:30 or so finally slept and now here i am! whooooo

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