Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I underestimated peer-pressure

so, today i woke up around 1:00 pm after staying up till 4am around which time my dad got sick and i felt i needed sleep, which i was right, as soon as i turned off my laptop and layed down i feel asleep, i had a weird dream which i cant remember now because i didnt write it down, oh well, as soon as i got up this...afternoon i chased trashcans down the street because of the wind, which made my room hotter than normal, that and the fact it was in the hundreds today, surpassed the colorado previous heat record, yay? mom dragged me to the bank so she could make a deposit, then dragged me to a totally different bank to open a checking account for me, which instead of taking around five minutes like they told us it would, it took a half hour or more, nice estimation josh guy. they got stuck on not haveing my grandfathers signature whos check was in his name that he gave to me for my education, well, they told us "oh have him fax it in!" my grandfather. fax? HAHA! he comes to our house for all of his technology needs, infact he got a DVD and him non having in a DVD PLAYER says hell come to our house to watch it, mom said to give him a DVD player, chances are hed be calling us up anyways to find out how it works, in our waiting for him to varify with his boss and all we looked out in the waitting room and wondered if the guy there had a man purse or an invisible wife, odd part was he looked like my 7th grade geography teacher, also there were these something like "bellco's debit and creditcards are getting recharged!" then had one of the electric balls on top, very lane and fun to play with, also there was something on the stams that was like "rainbow values is here!" which made me giggle and i dont know why. after that we went to carls jr and mom tried to figure me out, i dont think that went well, all she ot to know was my knowlegde of french stuff, we then went to petsmart to sign up for dog lessons, i made her walk around with me to see all the animals, and i fell in love with one of the cats at the adoption shelter, ugh it loved me and i loved it and i just wanted to hug it, sadly all i got to do was pet her through a cage, although i did convince mom to maybe let me volenteer at a catshelter around town, we got toys and stuff for ducky, signed up fer training classes which start the 20th, every tuesday and such, whoooo... when i got home i started to drew sarah, coming out okay i guess, amber called and we spent two hours at the mall, one of those houses we spent in borders reading, she read "cut" and i read "go ask alice" i got to the part where she does LSD for the first time, then we walked around awhile and she talked about how she has to get me high and drunk sometime, and take me to a concert and get me to mosh, i want to do all those things yet i dont, i dont know, its a weird feeling, dont hate me if i break down

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