Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I'd like an order of Acceptance please.

so, the other night i spent the night at junes house, first persons house ive spent the night at all summer, when i got there it was already dark, but we went to the park by her house anyways, i ran around even, although my legs still hurt, then we sat in the rocket slide for like an hour, talking about various things, such as gay rights, which ill rant about later, after awhile we walked back to her house, we watched "yours, mine, and ours" "charlie and the chocolate factory" while eatting peanut butter and banana sandwiches, and i drew, finished my picture of sarah
which can be found here - http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/35035526/
and after that we watched lord of the rings: return of the king, ive never seen the third one and still havent seen about half of it, i fell asleep, which wasnt too good because the couch bed we were sleeping on had a divet then a pole that was right were my ribs were, so i was really sore in the morning and the following day, when i finally got smart enough to put a pillow where the pole was junes dad wouldnt let me sleep because he wanted the living room picked up, so june and i picked up, i got dressed and i uploaded music to her mp3 player, and read a book i found on her table called "I've known since I was eight" its about a girl who is a lebian and the hardships she faces, from coming out to gay bashing, really good book, i got half way through it and asked if i could borrow it, well we did that ate mac and cheese till around 5 when i decided to call home and ask when i should be home, mom thought i was already home, then told me i should be home and hour ago so i wouldnt be in trouble, she was kidding mind you, and she came to pick me up alittle bit later

now for my rant!
i hate closed minded people, during the school year ive encountered many closed minded people, some of which i faught with, the one i faught with most was tashi, she was in my photography class all year, i couldnt stand her but she still hung around me as if i was her friend, but thats beside the point, shes one of those people that uses "gay" in every other sentence, "i dont have any paper, thats gay" , which i did end up yelling at her about, i offered to buy her a dictionary so she could use so many other worlds for adjs than "gay", besides that, she said she was "okay with people being gay" but she "just didnt want to see it", well guess what, they have just as much right to show their love as anyone else, its such a double standard, when a staight couple is together and theyre showing PDA's no one really cares or says anything, but when its a gay couple, people mutter, people look in discust, i dont get it, what the hell is wrong with people showing their love, love has no gender, and most of all love is blind, and another thing i dont understand, why do people ask questions like "how can you like girls?" to a lesbian or "how can you like guys?" to a gay guy? no one questions someones straight preferences, its the same thing, its just a feeling, hell just like last week amber asked me how i knew i liked girls before ive done anything with one, well how do other girls know they like guys before they do anything with them? its just a feeling, and another thing, why is it that people bash gay people? yea sure they may be different, but who ISNT different? even those popular people at every school who seem to be clones, they all have different minds, they have different thoughts, different likes and dislikes, no ones exactly alike, and no one is superior over someone else because of race, sexual orintation, hair color shoe size or anything, it doesnt matter what someone looks like or any of that crap, but its been human nature to categorize everything, label everything and break everything down instead of just accepting everyone


L.E. said...

I'm all for gay rights. It really does piss me off the way that Bush is like, only girlies and boyzies can get married. F*** that! Stupid hypocritical christians! (I really don't mean to offend anyone, but it ticks me off how they can say God loves everyone, but not you because you are black, and not you because you are a boy and like boys, and also not you because you don't know God or whatever shit comes out of their mouth. It just tickes me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Grr! However, I don't like seeing heterosexual couples "show their affection" that gets kinda gross after a while. I mean, and quick kiss good bye is fine. But full blown making out in front of that stupid stuffed ram at school is nasty.


Anthony said...

If they pass that amendment against gay marraige, I am moving to Canada.