Thursday, June 22, 2006

MOM! Cassie's raping me!

so before i go off on some rants, i think ill tall you about my day, mostly because i actually did something today, that something being i went to my aunts house, mom woke me up at 7:44 to get ready, she gave me the inpression i was spending the night up there, which was wrong, but thats okay i got to spend the day with my favorite aunt, before we got up there i was grabbing a dog toy out of my room and i heard something break, since mom, dad, cassie and ducky were outside i assumed it was minky and followed him around tyrin to figure out what he broke, i found out it was a candle holder and muffin broke it, so i had to clean that up, after that we left, on the 45 minute drive up to her house, mom got distracted and started off the lane she was in, i wasnt paying attention to her and when she swerved back i flew into the next seat, that was kinda fun, when we got up there i brought the stuff we had bought for the dogs inside along with candle stuff, we were attacked with kisses by the dogs and foster jumped me for the cow dog toy i had in my arms, he had the same toy before and loved it but riley broke it, after about a half hour foster ditched the cow to love on me, probably because i had food, but it still felt good, cassie picked up the cow and started petting it and i told mom cassie was raping the cow, later we had subway (which happened to have some cute guys outside of it >.>) mom and aunt cindy made candles, cassie had fun laying on me while i was laying on the couch, and which she arched her back i screamed in pain, she found that really amusing and did it about 16 times before she made me get up because she was hurting herself, i ended up laying on her, she farted on me, i punched her, she fell asleep and i vacuumed the dining room as my trade with aunt cindy to replace a stone in one of my rings and to fix my hippy ring she gave me, then i decided to make something out of wax that aunt cindy and mom had left over, i made a flower and the part which was suppose to be the bottom looked more like a flower than the end i was trying to make a flower, later at home i carved it with a knife and now it looks better, i have tons of cuts on my hands though, when we left aunt cindys and i had to carry the stained glass flower piece mom is going to make into a mosaic, we had to stop for gas, i was forced to roll up my window while playing with the wind because it started haleing and i couldnt feel my arm anymore for being pelted with hale and rain, we were forced to take a detour, which by the way on the way up there, on the detour route we saw a huge flame, apparently the whole state is on fire ban though, which will definitly make the fourth of july interesting, mom says we may be forced to call the cops on our neighbors that always decide to play with firecrackers, when they ask who called the cops on them, well blame it on the pegdions that mom feeds and he hates so much "we sent a carrier pegdion! we didnt expect it to go that fast!" anyways when we got back on the highway some jackass decided to randomly stop, causing mom to stop, her arm swing out infront of me (old habit from when we had the serocko) and all the stained glass to go on the floor, the rest of the ride home wasnt all that eventful, cassie kept singing oh so obnoxiously in the back seat though, then after about an hour or so we went out to dinner at china king, by the end of dinner cassie wanted me to get her icecream so she started hugging me, "..cassie stop petting my! cassies raping me!"

first of all, i hate being labeled, so today one of my icons on msn was freaking out one of my friends so i changed it to an eye icon that i think is cool, he said "yay some preppy shit" so i asked if he was calling me preppy, he said yes i told him to fuck off and signed off, i dont like being called anything other than my own name, especially from someone i consiter a friend, someone who i thought had taken the time to actually get to know me, just... freaking hell, i dont need to be labeled, if you really know me i dont really fit in with any group, the only thing i come remotely close to is art freak, and i dont even like being labeled that, i have a name, if you dont know it ask it, if you know it you better as hell call me by it, im not like other people and should not be grouped accordingly

second rant: i absolutly cant stand people who are too lazy to do their own work, my sister for example who will call me on my cellphone while shes only in the living room, to get her a sida from the frigde which is possibly 3 feet away at most, i hate people who use my good nature to get things out of me, people who are just too damn lazy to study, pay attention, walk, and all in all THINK

no one should think to mess with me for awhile, im PMSy and im not afraid to kick anyones ass

this is murphy... and me.. at my aunts house, it was new years and i was spending the night up at my aunts with my nephews josh and cole, to bring in the new year we watched iceage, to ensure our awakeness we snacked on sugary sweets and drank sodas until we were going to puke, when i had gotten up to get more soda murphy had stolen my spot on the couch, cole was in my uncles recliner and josh was sitting on the floor, aunt cindy said i could just use murphy as a pillow, and i did, she took a picture and was suprized that murphy hadnt moved, and mentioned that i was probably the only one that murphy would let use as a pillow, murphy and i had gone way back, he was about as old as i was, and we had always been friends, he was a very loud dog and whenever he saw me hed bark loudly and pound towards me to lick my face, and i would always shriek, cover my face with my hands and or jump up on a chair, my dad worried about it but it as only play, he was a good baby sitter, and a hell of a body guard, like if i stayed in the car with him and dudley while my aunt went into the store if anyone tried talking to me murphy was the first to bark and growl, he was the kind of dog who chewed on sqeeky toys till the point the squeeker would break, he was the only dog who didnt even flinch when i would accidently step on him
RIP 11/8/04
my aunts other old dog which i can remember anyways, was dudley, he was a sweet dog, a golden retreiver also, he was half blind when he died and i miss him dearly, he was the only dog i knew that could fit 3 tennis balls in his mouth at once, he had soft curly hair on his back, him and murphy would always wake cassie and i in the morning, and i would hide at the bottom of my sleeping bag, he or murphy would always find me and lick my face as i squirmed
i never got the date when he died RIP dudley

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