Friday, June 16, 2006

I'll give you a dollar if you..

so today i went to elitches, without my sister =D we abandoned her!...okay well not really, just snuck out of the house while she was sleeping, i was SUPPOSE to go with mitch, ellie, jared and jesus, BUT jared and ellie were sickly and didnt gooooo, which was sad, thought maybe with ellie there id be included more,ah well, i had fun though anyways, even through my zoning out and long periods of not talking
rides we didnt go on:
half pipe
hollywood and vine
tilt'a'hurl (which i really did want to go on)
batman ride
the spider
the thunderbolt
anything that costed money
and anything in the water park
rides we did go on:

tower of doom-went on twice, first time mitch counted and we concluded the magic number is 7!

ferris wheel-didnt really talk that whole time, lost count of rotations

sidewinder- went on it twice, first time i was next to mitch and we kept messing with the harnesses and getting yelled at, second time with jesus, awkward silence, how much i hate it, stupid stairs..

sea dragon- mitch jesus and i all sat by ourselves, and i yelled random things across to mitch and jesus

the rainbow- went on it once, i sat next to jesus and mitch made a friend, who he was scared of, more yelling, such as "OH MY GOD IM GONNA DIE!" and i think i screamed "fishsticks!" once too

shake rattle and roll- went on it with mitch because jesus didnt want to throw up, then the latch came down mitch exclaimed "my pelvis!" we also found monika, and it was happy and i got hugs

disaster canyon- went on that 3 times, the first two times were consecutive though
third time there was a line and there was this cute little boy named adam, we waited for along time because adams mother couldnt get the seatbelt to latch, jesus tried not to laugh

flying coaster-rode once, we made friends with some kid i didnt catch the name of but i made him laugh, after the ride we ran into porky pig in drag and jesus hugged... it, it was sad when he walked off and mitch asked why he didnt get her number, his responce he wasnt sure if there was really a girl inside the costume

ship wreak falls- went on it with jesus, we got soaked

mind eraser- went on with jesus, and i screamed in pain when my head hit the side and my second periceings were greatly hurt

boomerrang-went on it twice, i dont remember who i rode with the first time, but mitch started counting, second time i rode alone, only one kid waved back at me really, another kid gave me a head nod though

twister 2- rode twice both times i sat with jesus, second time my stomach hit the lapbar and i had already been having stomach pains, almost like i got stabbed in the ribs or something, almost cried, one of the people operating the ride liked invader zim too and JTHM

the air hockey-mitch and i played against jesus, we both lost to him, mostly because i had to switch arms and i couldnt stop laughing is why i lost

teh fooooood-while going to get food we passed a rooster, it gave jesus a highfive, mitch put up his hand for a highfive and it just walked past him, then hugged sylvester the cat, foods expencive e_e and i paid fer jesus, when mitch paid for his he only had 75 cents left, and i got reallllly cold though, it kept raining

tea cups-i went on that one with mitch, we spun really fast and i couldnt stop laughing even five minutes AFTER the ride

trikia- mitch rode that with me, we sat seprately and mitch no matter what kept staring at jesus

i think thats all the rides ._. i dont remember... AHWELL fun fun all around
got home after that day o fun i rand to take a shower, which was long and hot because i was so very cold e_e, ate dinner talked to jared on teh phone and now here i am!


Anthony said...

What was you favorite? Mine was the sidewinder.

Angie said...

tower of doom, and the trikia, i luff that one...and twister 2...

L.E. said...

Hmmm. I seem to have a much lower tollerance of roller coasters now, I still love them, but they always make me sick, and I always hated going on rides that spin. I refuse to, I went on the teacups once, I told Jared that if he didn't stop spinning the damn thing, I would throw up all over his shirt. Tower of Doom is my absolute favorite though. I hate how you can't scream, or if you do, it's really short. Like someone just shot you in the stomach. AHHHUT! That's what it sounds like. Hehe.

I felt so bad though that I couldn't go with you guys...:(
Hmm, I apologise for the long comment, lol. Byebye, luvvy-love.