Friday, June 30, 2006

Just sinnngggg...

so yesterday i did just about nothing then when cassie asked mom fer starbucks i decided to go along because i had nothing else to do, we went to go get cassies pay check first, when we got to king soopers a bunch of the workers were talking about how there was a flood, apparently one of the guys accidently busted a pipe, which flooded part of a supply room and the security office, so yesterday would have been the perfect time to go steal something because no camera were working, not only that but the fire alarm was going off as there was water all over by the checkour lines, also some guy the night before went through u-scan with like 3 cartons of cigarettes, when the checker turned around for just a second he bolted, this was like at 2 am though, anyways when i get back home i find out that i missed two calls, one of them dad couldnt get to the phone fast enough and the other was kyle, well i went through the caller id and the call dad missed was from amber, so i grabbed the phone and went into my room, as soon as i was going to call her, the phone rings, its fruitcake so i go outside and give it to mom, when that phone call is over i go back to my room and try to call amber again, but yet again someone calls, this time its kathy, so i wait till moms off the phone then i go to my room and try calling kyle with my cellphone, it rings a couple times then the house phone starts ringing, i sighed and hung up the cellphone which apparently was right when he picked up, and answered the house phone, this time it was amber, i talked to her alittle and told her to call me today when she got done with community service, then theres a call on the other line, and guess who it is, kyle, so i switch back and forth till i get off the phone with amber then i complain to kyle that too many people call the house, this was around 8pm or so, and i stayed on the phone till... 2am ._. 6 hours, in which time i forced him to sing for me, but i spent like an hour and a half waiting because he got all nervous "okay ill sing hold on" *silence for a couple minutes* "kyyyllleeee just siiiinnngggg" after awhile i finally said id sing first, so i did, he said i had a good voice, i warned him his ears should bleed soon, then he sang to me and his voice was all shakey, it was cute X3 when i got off the phone with hin like... 10 more seconds of a song played on my cd player then it was the end of the cd, he got off because today he has to wake up early and get an MRI to see whats causing his headaches, i hope theres nothing too terribly wrong with him, i ended up tearing up when i was talking to him though -_-' stupid emotions, and now for dream rememberence =D

okay so the first dream i had... i was like in this game, and there were tons of like... junglegyms and stuff, like what you would find in a mcdonalds thing right? okay so im going through it and suddenly this kid comes running up to me and grabs my hand, this kid was probably around seven or so, he had blonde hair and his name was jason, on his other hand he had the hand of kyle, jason dragged us both to the slides, he tried to make kyle go down with him but there were spiders and spiderwebs there and kyle refused, i clibed over them both and went down the slide, kyle tried to stop me and i pulled him down with me, when we got to the bottom he brushed all the spider webs off me and i did the same for him, then ducky ran past with a razor blade in his mouth, i took it from him and kyle took it from me and slit his wrists, then i woke up and it was 8:15, i decided to go back to sleep

the next dream i had, it was thanksgiving and i was at my aunts housewe sat down for a meal but cassie wasnt there, and the meal was... turkey meat, vynil, and unions, after eatting it i went downstairs and dad was playing pool with shannon and doc, i took a bottle of what i thought was rootbear, and got drunk

end of dreams
mom woke me up and asked if i wanted to go to lunch with her and dad, on the way to...atlantic bread or something like that:
mom: so how long were you up last night talking on the phone
me: um... midnight? (mom wants me in bed by midnight e_e)
dad: midnight!?
me: um.. yes?
dad: talking to who?
me: kyle?
dad: oh so hes your boyfriend now
me: nooooooo
dad: i bet he thinks you are
me: nooo he doesnt
dad: i bet he agrees with me
me: no he agrees with you- er wait no he agrees with me wait... im confused
dad: see!
me: well i dont think hes side with you, hes scared of you

and well he is, kyles only heard his voice though and that scares alot of my friends
so we got there, we talked, and i saw i dont remember her last name, but she waved and i waved back and dad goes "were you just flirting with that guy?" "nooo i was waving to the girl! she was in my math class" so mom decided i shouldnt date anymore guys until my dad can keep up with how many girl friends i have, if that was inforced id never date anyone
we went to lowes and bought dad some stuff, and back home =D and now here i am

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