Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Naked, it's the new blog

So in the 4 and a half hours of sleep i got, whatre the chances i have a dream about jesus again? well apparently pretty good, anyways so this is how it goes!:
once upon a time... *cough* lol okay! so it was at school, and while i was in government class fer some odd reason jesus was in the class teaching the class about blogging XD i didnt pay attention, of course, it was class, you expect me to pay attention? in your dreams X3 anyways, so the bell rang and i went to photography (those classes were never together for me NEVER) anyways in photography class i was talking with tashi about my photography paper folder being totally torn up and soon it was gonna expose my stuff, so i went to the dark room to transfer the paper into one of the other folders (i have three) when i got into the dark room all the lights were on but people were developing like it was nothing, after awhile i asked thea to turn off the light because it was too bright fer my eyes, then i went back into the main room to grab some negitives, there was one i wanted to develope that was of amber and mandie, both wearing goggles and facing away from each other, it was a great picture... wish i actually had it... anyways, when i went to get the negitives fer some odd reason ellie and jesus were in my class, listening to levi talk about something, i dont know anyways i went back into the darkroom and thea ambushed me with a hug, then i woke up because the phone rang, i couldnt get back to sleep so finally i got up and took a shower, ugh up too early e_e
OTHERNEWS! im trying to convince my mom to let me go see the omen today (YAY 6-6-06!) she keeps saying itll give me nightmares, well the last time a movie gave me nightmares was alice 'n wonderland the jabberwhaky, and i was 7, since then ive watched tons of rated r movies and tons of horror movies and have yet to get any nightmares, probably because i have the odd gift of being able to make fun of just about anything, like saw, the first and second one, when laura came over we were laughing at the movie instead of being scared like horror movies are suppose to do, which reminds me, i still wanna watch hostle, cassie bought it a couple weeks ago and i never got around to watching it
along with this whole 6-6-06 thing and it being the "day of the devil" and such, cassie and i had a long conversation about religion, how wrong we think it is, and well me not understanding why we have it to begin with, i mean you cant really prove it, its just something you believe, which if you believe it enough can make you think that things happen because of it, the mind is a powerful thing, like... say karma, well if you believe that enough well then maybe the guilt of doing something bad can somehow make you subconsciously sabatage yourself, or just realize when something else wrong happens, and if the world ends today, which i severly doubt, well atleast i told jesus i liked him so if nothing happens today i guess i wont be severly dissappointed because atleast something happened, which really was pretty exciting, i found out he likes me back and well i got so giddy i almost screamed in joy, but it was midnight or so and that wouldnt be too happy with waking my parents, then i couldnt stop smiling for like 3 more hours XD ellie kept telling me to call him and stuff, tell him over the phone so i could hear his reaction, well i wasnt sure i wanted to hear the reaction especially if it wasnt a good reaction, so i was a total wuss and did it over text, but hey! least i did tell him, first time ive EVER told a guy i liked them while still liking them, so yay me! i dont know it was just really really happy moment which is still going on X3 well anyways, i still have more convincing of my parents to let me go see the omen, so il probably add more later ~<3
we decided that naked is the new blog, so we said that all bloggers should go naked, (for laura and me itll be partically naked cause were self conscience X3) this all arose when i said "naked! its the new black" and she missheard me, cause whenever id zone out shed say "angie do i have get nakeeeddd" or "dont mind me ill just get naked" so now all of you have to join our quest to go against societys standards! if you got it flaunt it!

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