Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Angie, you screamed.

so because of jesus' need of doing things i went to see the omen with my sister, our semi cousin danny and justin, aka brudder, so on the way there justin starts asking me questions about my new boyfriend and such "whats his name? whats he like? whered you meet him? is he skinny?" which all concluded to justin saying if jesus breaks my heart, justins gonna kick his ass, he still wants to beat up trevor, and so does my sister, anyways, as we were walking justin puts his arm around my shoulders and says "well for tonight angie, ill be your boyfriend" then puts his arm around cassie and me on his left and danny on his right "infact ill be all y'alls boyfriend" which made me say "well now yer pimpin' justin" consitering we were fairly early, we stopped and talked with dannys friends who i cant remember the names of, boyfriend and girlfriend, the guy was 16 he had odd hair and a major sunburn on his stomach legs and arms, the girl, she was quiet, but very pretty, and i noticed that on her left shoe she had a rainbow shoelace like i have on my left shoe, i found that cool, so after while we look over by the theatre and theres the security gaurd and he looks like hes busting some kids, well turns out one of them had dropped something down the drain, so we felt disappotioned and annoyed that we had moved from where we were, justin was alittle drunk at the time though and amused us by shouting random things and trying to talk to random people "i swear im not creepy! im just really friendly!" there was much smoking then finally our wait for... some guy named hal? or hank i cant remember, was over because he never showed up, danny was depressed and i felt like giving her a hug, but i never got to, anyways when we got into the theatre it was packed, we ended up sitting in the very first row, as if my neck didnt hurt enough for falling asleep around 5 in a very awkward position, anyways, some guy and his girlfriend ended up sitting to the right of me, and cassie danny and justin were to the left of me, the-guy-next-to-me's cell phone went off twice, which resulted in someone yelling "silence your cellphone jackass" one of the parts though, the kid is in the kitchen making food and its suppose to be all suspenceful, then the guy yelled out "hes only making a sandwich! hes got the munchies!" that made me giggle..and honestly, i liked the omen, it made me jump so much though, i didnt like how the kid next to me kept talking to his girlfriend, but everytime where there was suspence thered be bunch of gasps and "oh my god"s then laughing realizing how stupid we all were, at one point i screamed, i didnt even realize i screamed, after the movie after justin and danny darted for the door at a sprint, i followed cassie and she was like
"angie you so screamed"
"during the movie you jumped and screamed"
"i did?"
"nooo... i didnt"
"yea you did"
"the part with the dogs"
"i didnt scream...did i?"
so apparently i can scream and not realize it, when the guy got his head cut off i kept saying "oh my god" over and over with my hands covering my mouth though, same thing with the babysitter, i had my hands over my mouth for like half the movie, the first part of it was kinda slow though, i didnt like that much, but the middle and end, omg awsome, i almost cried on one part, buuutt... then i jumped and apparently screamed, one of the parts omg, headache to the extreme, my neck already hurt and being so close gave me a headache already, but they had to film while the camera guy ran!? my gosh, my head still hurts, and for those of you that know me, i dont get headaches, well very rarely anyways, ive had probably 2 so far in my life, and they werent even times when i had hit my head, like... when i cracked moms windshield with my head, my head didnt hurt, it went alittle numb but it didnt hurt, anyways after the movie we stood around and talked about it, and as i do after i watch any movie in a theatre i was shaking for about the whole ride home too, which i was a bit paranoid about because my seatbelt wouldnt latch and whenever i seem to be in the car with justin we get pulled over, the night was pretty though, bright moon which on union was being reflected off of some buildings, the sky was cloudy and the whole night out i only found one visible star. mostly on the way home i shut my eyes and just felt the wind in my face, that next to being out in the rain is my favorite feeling, especially on a warm night like this
6-6-06 offcially over an hour and 41 minutes ago, the world didnt end and im still alive, i finally asked out jesus, i saw the omen, and cassie was nice to me... that was a good day

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