Sunday, June 04, 2006


so, morning i had 2 dreams with jesus in them
dream number un...une? anyways
it was school, jesus and i were in class, well kinda the only other people there were a sheep and a turtle o_O; i got all tired and used jesus as a pillow, he got alittle weirded out by it but let me anyways, we just talked, about how turles dont make you fall asleep but sheep are suppose to, after awhile the bell rang and i ran off, and it was recess, i guess, kinda, well i decided to take ducky for a walk, but for some reason ducky was a shitzu, anyways i took him out without a leash, but i was also walking with... myself o_O then my other self said she hated herself and was going to die, i started crying and hugged her and told her to NEVER say that again, then we went insearch of ducky and suddenly there were tons and tons of dogs in the park and we couldnt find ducky, then my dream ended

dream number deux
i was at school but school looked like my house, and well, ms walling was the teacher, after we finished the final we went back into the room and took a seat, after awhile i noticed that jesus never came back into the room, i looked in the front yard and he was moving desks, i went into the kitchen to get some food then went outside and sat on the front steps and talked to him as he movied desks [/end dream]

so anyways... another boring day i guess? well im ff to take a bath, just wanted to put those down before i forgot them

SO! the rest of the day, well i woke up jesus with text messages, i figured hed be awake by 2, anyways him joe and me went to the movies to see dun dun dun x-men 3, which was a good movie, never watched any of the other ones, but hey i liked it, although i never got what one of the girls powers was... anyways, after the movie we hung ou a bit at barns and nobles, which ended as me just following joe and jesus and listening to them talk about things i know nothing about, so i was kinda left out alittle there, they bought coin collecter books, and theyre having a contest, who can get all the penny booklet full first, but neither of them really won, but jesus got father so now joe has to buy him the book of maniless, and joe gets a cookie from me for losing, when i got home i got into a conversation with lana about how im not like other people, i get left out easily, lana says i just may be soft spoken and she never realized it, she started telling me to be more outgoing, be more loud, but well, i dont want to be one of those people that everyone finds so annoying but acts like they like them while theyre around them, but later when theyre not around they talk bad about them behind theyre back. lets see how many times i can say them and they and still make sense, although that still may not have made sense, but anyways, everyone does that to atleast one person, but so far as i know of i havent been the person talked bad about, although who knows what trevors been saying about me, i dont even know if he hates me or not, i guess i should send that email soon.. and another thing, the more i talk about trevor to ellie the less this whole situation with him makes sense, so a couple weeks before he dumped me he said he needed to tell me something, but he could never do it for one reason or another, well this thing he hasnt told anyone, he refuses to talk to anyone about what happened, why he dumped me or any of that, like hes hiding something, and whats the worst thing he could hide? hes gay? i dont know, i dont even know how i feel anymore, and speaking about feelings, well i almost told the guy i like that i like him the other day, course me being chicken shit didnt help, ive never told a guy i liked him while i still liked him, and well who knows how that could come back to haunt me, also along with feelings, with most of my friends, i feel... like im immature or something, like im still in 5th grade and everyone else is so far ahead and annoyed that im behind

and something totally different:
GrumpyGrl0505 (10:03:19 PM): your a fat ugly bitch! never talk to me again!
GrumpyGrl0505 (10:03:28 PM): wanna fight?
GrumpyGrl0505 (10:03:30 PM): call me
GrumpyGrl0505 (10:03:31 PM): ?
GrumpyGrl0505 (10:03:41 PM): (number removed because it is the internet)
GrumpyGrl0505 (10:03:52 PM): and i forgot top tell you im a ###
AlegnaNekcihc (10:04:03 PM): and who the hell are you?
GrumpyGrl0505 signed off at 10:04:18 PM.

i dont even know who that is, although theyve got two things right, i am fat and ugly =D

ALSO sign i saw on a church on the way home: "code of jesus: god loves you" i also saw one once that said "no perfect people allowed"

1 comment:

Anthony said...

You're not fat or ugly, and shame on GrumpyBitch for saying that. And you are probably having dreams about me a lot because you've been hanging out with me a lot lately and you are thinking about me more than usual. Or because I'm magic and I can enter your brain.