Tuesday, July 04, 2006


so i still have some things on my mind, i think ive just been moody lately, and im sorry to who ever has had to deal with it
in other news i went to the mall today with amber, which was fun, we wandered around and after awhile we had our arms around eachother, mine resting on her shoulder, and hers around my waist, people gave us dirty looks as we walked by, most likely because they thought her and i were lovers, we read in borders, we went outside so she could smoke, we found one of her friends along with a girl who was in my french class, they gave us popper things, we eventually went into target and bought 5 boxes of them, i gave her two boxes, i kept two for myself and i figure ill give a box to jesus for his birthday for i have no more money, one of the rentacops made us pick up all the little pieces of them though, which sucked, i did have to do because amber made me stay with our stuff, and when they were off "picking up the trash" they really just ditched me and left me with the rentacop and he asked me questions and stuff, unrelated to anything worth knowing, i dont feel like writing much, sorry

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