Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Maybe we should all just take a break

so the other day i went to the park with ellie, we invited jared to come and after waiting for him for like an hour and a half ellie calls him and he says he doesnt want to get caught in the rain, FTW, i havent seen jared for like a month and a half, freaking hell, im starting to think everyone hates me for the pure lack of human interaction ive had with me so-called friends this summer, im in a pissed off/depressed mood here and im venting so STFU
another totally mest up thing, joe, hes all fucking depressed because he doesnt have a girlfriend eeeeeehhh, and im already mad at him for thinking so poorly about my friend junes appearence, yea he liked her fine until he saw what she looked like, how more fucking shallow can you get, and then today he has the NERVE to say to me "i better get undepressed soon, going out with june is starting to sound like a good idea" one more fucking remark like that and im kicking him in the balls, and most likly while hes on the ground im going to keep kicking him, no one fucking says shit like that about my friends and doesnt get their ass kicked, at the very least he could have the common sense to not say that stuff to ME
and another thing, you know whats worse than realizing youve drifted away from someone? realizing it AS its happening, knowing my luck bryson will read this too, anyways, so bryson hasnt been on much, for this reason or that, all of which is not his fault, but its fucking sad when all we have to talk about is whats been going on lately, which for me is basicly nothing BECAUSE NO ONE WILL FUCKING HANG OUT WITH ME, im almost starting to wish i could have a job just so i could be away from my family for awhile, whats one worse, i cant even hang out with bryson, and he decides he needs to take a fucking break from everything, as if i talked to him enough as it is, were growing apart and it fucking hurts because i cant do anything about it, its not like most of the other people i grow apart from, he doesnt hate me like some people do, he doesnt live around here so i cant just give him a phone call, or drop by his house
another thing, if i dont get some serious time away from my sister im going to run away, we keep getting into fights, and im always the one who stays mad, and the one whos left with the most injuries
I NEED A FUCKING BREAK FROM LIFE, its not like theres anything going on, but people seem to think its a daily event: who can make angie cry first, well you know what? you all have fucking broken my spirit, are you happy with yourselves now?

1 comment:

Anthony said...

I think we should have a big group movie outing again. Well not HUGE but like that one time when it was Ellie you and me. Maybe Mitch and Jared also maybe.