Monday, September 25, 2006

The end will come quickly.

so... all that happiness from my last post was killed last night/this morning, yesterday was kyles birthday and he had a horrible birthday and i ended up with the short cynical side of it, danny and chelsea broke up... again, and dannys been taking it hard, plus now hes grounded for a couple weeks, ellie was stressing over that last dance, liz wasnt happy at all with everyones drama, so that put me close to the edge, then today during second period, laura came up to me crying, hugged me and said bye, i asked what was wrong and i looked over at her dad who had been following her, she switched schools today.. she was suppose to switch schools at the end of the semester but she left today and i got a two second goodbye, as she walked off i started crying, and katie tried to console me, but she had no luck, i cried for the rest of the period, later in the period, broc came over and told me hes moving, today was his last day, he was already signed out of school and hes going to be gone by wednesday, i have no idea where hes going or if im going to see him again, and i dont think i went more than an hour today without crying, after seminar, laura moodie gave me lauras sweater as colatoral for my camera, i looked at her and started crying again, and told her laura left today, in math i cried, at the beginning of 4th i cried, and missy and leah tried to cheer me up, no luck there, fifth period i cried, by the end of 5th i had control again, well, so i thought, as soon as i saw laura moodie i started crying again, she hugged me and told me to stop it and she started crying too, i had no appitite at lunch, i cried more when i found ellie and mariah, we walked outside and i cried more, mariah cried, laura cried, i cried, mariah tried to cheer me up and started to dance, they tried to get me to stand up, i pushed laura and yelled, i layed on the ground crying for what seemed like a lifetime, when i finally got up there was a puddle of tears, i stopped crying until mariah told me 'its not like shes dead or anything, you can still see her' at which time i broke down crying again, i cried into photography, and i cried in english, i dont think ive cried so much in my life, except when i found out she almost died, heh... i even started crying while writting this.. you all must think im such a drama queen by now

1 comment:

Anthony said...

You're not a drama queen. Sometimes it's good to just cry for a long time, whther it's for a friend moving or for no reason.