Saturday, October 28, 2006

Jealous? Of me?

People are weird sometimes. Scratch that. All of the time. Sometimes it just easier to ignore. So drama drama and more drama. If you don't want to know about it, skip this.
So. My friend Danny liked me and one of my friends named Chelsea. (It already doesn't look like itll turn out good by then) He asked Chelsea out. They went out for not more than a couple hours I think for the first time, because I had gotten upset over it. They tried again, broke up again because Chelsea claimed she still loved her old boyfriend, Gabe. (This stuff is from a couple weeks ago mind you) They ended up getting back together. I was fine, I apologized for over re-acting. All was fine and dandy until a couple days ago. Chelsea sent her old boyfriend, Gabe, some pictures of herself in a bra. Over myspace comments. Which Danny saw, got mad about, and from my understanding, Chelsea claimed it was nothing. Which was obviously crap. Under the picture she wrote something like 'Only for you Gabe'. So Danny's like spazing out and I'm comforting him. Well the other day I find out that they broke up again. The reason why? She cheated. With Gabe. They either almost had sex, or did have sex, it was vague. Her reasoning? She just couldn't say no. She's afriad of rape, but she just couldn't say no. Then she says that she loves Danny, and she plans on marrying him, but she chose to cheat. I got so ticked off, and I yelled at her. I stood up for Danny and how she hurt him. Which Danny told me not to do, but I did anyways. I was very angry. So Chelsea was okay with it at first. She was like 'well I understand if you dont want to be my friend'. But when I kept yelling at her after she said 'tell me something I didn't know' she suddenly changes what she was saying and starts saying stuff like 'I know i have issues but friends are suppose to stick with friends through issues.' And really, I would, if she didn't cause so much drama. It's almost like she does it on purpose. Well she knows Dannys AIM password. And she blocked me. Danny unblocked me later. He said she might have blocked me because she's jealous. Of what? There's nothing about me to be jealous of. He said she might be jealous of the fact that he still likes me. He said he still does, and he won't stop.

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