Wednesday, November 01, 2006

HAPPY HALLOWEEN and otherwise.

So yesterday was Halloween. Course it was awsome, but not awsomely awsome like I hoped the awsome would be. At TAU Sasha claimed me as her wife. We had debates. And I kept getting fake blood on everyone. After TAU I went to Jacqi's house with Caitlin. Danica, Mattie, Jay, and Jacqi were already there when we got there. We all played Life. During the game, we got on the subject of Speedy. Caitlin said to Mattie "OH MY GOD! Guess who Victor is dating!" Of course Mattie didn't know. When he asked who, Caitlin looked at me and I raised my hand and said "Me!" while in the process of eatting chips. Mattie laughed and said, "Well that proves that wehe has atleast one straight bone in his body." When the game started to get boring I tickled Caitlin, she tickled me. One good thing about the skirt I was wearing for my wench costume: No matter how much I kicked and thrashed from being tickled, I never flashed my panties ^_^ But one of the times that Caitlin tickled me, I jumped back and hit the washer and dryer. My back hurts majorly from it. Last night when I got home we got a total of five trick-or-treaters. All of which go to school with me. Sad or what? And I cried. Danny was talking about dying this friday, not happy at all. I can't really do anything either. Even more unhappy. I didn't really talk much today because of that. He also said some other stuff last night that I don't think I'll forget. At lunch I didn't really do much but sit quietly. Sasha and Speedy hugged me. Jacqi sat on my lap. Betty offered to laugh, because his laugh makes me laugh. When english class came around, Rayne took one look at me and said, "Wow, you look like shit. What's wrong?" later she apologized for saying I looked like shit. She walked me to the car after class ended.
Playing Quarters with Cassie is fun.
So Cassie's goal for the night was to drink the rest of her and Ashley's Vanilla Vodka. So she tells me to get some shotglasses from her shotglass checkers set, and that I'm going to do shots with her. So I grab the only soda I can stand: Mountain Dew, and we fill the shot glasses and start playing Quarters. Sad part is that Mom and I know how to play whereas Cassie didn't. I really suck at Quarters though. After awhile I'd just drop them into her shot glass. The first shot I took, well... I accidently drank the quarter. I started laughing when mom said, "Wow, that never happened with booze." and Mountain Dew came out my nose. Cassie says I need to practice if I'm ever going to get her drunk. She says she's going to give me a horrible caffine high and she's going to be completely sober. But Cassie's close to being drunk. She stumbled up the stairs and stopped in the middle to do what she said was "Tiss her Titty", which really means Kiss her Kitty.
and for those of you that don't know
You bounce quarters on the table to get them into a shotglass. When played with two people, if you get a quarter in, the other person had to drink the shot. With more than two people, the one who gets the quarter in chooses who drinks the shot. It's actually a really fun game. Especially when your sister is tipsy.

1 comment:

Anthony said...

You were a wench for Halloween? Dang, I wish I would have seen you.