Monday, November 20, 2006

How could you do such a thing, Justice League?

For those of you that didn't see, or just don't know, my school was valdelized over the weekend. I saw what was written on the outside walls of the school this morning. Instead of feeling hurt that someone would lash out at our school, (mostly because, let's face it, GM has quite a few enemies) it made me laugh. What was written on the wall was in red and blue spray-paint, "Justice League Strikes" and had various names of the members of the Justice League, such as Superman. I wish I would have brought my camera today, just to get that shot. By lunch all the graffeti had been painted over, well, all except what was on the marble sign. I'm not sure how they're going to clean that up. Of all days to not bring my camera..

In other news, I'm surprized I'm even awake right now. I didn't get much sleep. Around three and a half hours of sleep actually. Last night, I called Kyle's cell phone. After trying to call his house every day this week and having no luck. Well, I didn't get through but I did leave a message. Around 11:30 when I was about to fall asleep, my cell phone rings, and guess who? Kyle. I knew I needed sleep, but I havent talked to him in so long I didn't want to just hang up. So I talked to him until around 3am. I don't even remember a lot of what was said, all I really remember was crying. The stress I've been dealing with lately finally decided to let itself out. Course I would've liked if it picked a better time than when I'm on the phone with an old friend.

But today, despite I didn't get much sleep, I was hyper. And giggily. I couldn't stop laughing today. At one point David threatened the orange Intel man keychain I have on my backpack. He said something like, "I'll kill you! You... You. . . MAN!" And out of nowhere I say "MAN FLUFF!" David, Katie and I couldn't stop laughing.

So.. I've been realizing lately, that I've lost a lot of my friends. Some I used to talk to daily, hang out on weekends with, call over the summer, and they're just never where I am anymore. I stopped trying with some, realizing all I really was was a burden. I'm not as good with helping people as I once was. And with the friends I have left, most of them don't get along with my other friends. I'm constantly trying to be the peacemaker, constantly stuck in the middle and I'm sick of it. I'm not going to force them to like eachother, but they need to atleast stop talking bad about them to me. Of all people, me. Erg. People just suck sometimes.


Anonymous said...

Well thank god it wasn't something worse than justice league! And we need to talk more often!!!!!!!! I promise I won't get you stuck in the middle of some drama maybe some comedy but no drama

Anonymous said...

Its also midnight and im tired just thought you'd like to know that

Anonymous said...

well anyways nighty-night