Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I miss my long hair.

As many of you know, around the middle of last year I stopped liking my long hair and chopped most of it off. Well now its the shortest I've ever cut it. I've come to realize that hair is a lot more annoying when short than when its long. I kinda wish I could have a time lapse on my hair growth and go back to shoulder length hair. I've also realized that my mom was lying when she said my hair style was my desision. She didn't want me to cut it shorter. When she left for the store, Laurie cut it shorter anyways. I hate my hair. If I could I'd shave it all off and start over again. Hell. I would so go for a mohawk and some bangs. But of course, mom would object. Whatever. I guess I'll live with it until I can have it long and straight again. But it is interesting, the looks I get when I have short hair, and the comments made.

Sasha got her cut not too long ago too. Hers used to be about halfway down her back, and now its about as short as mine now. Well except for in the back, hers is longer than mine. So, anyways. Sasha and I walk down the halls holding hands quite frequently. I've gotten the strangest looks from people. Almost like they're in disgust. Infact, Trevor gave me and odd look the other day when I was walking with Sasha. Oh well. I get even weirder looks when I kiss her. I mean we're not dating. Although I probably would date her.

I almost flipped out on this girl in my math class the other day. She's nice and all yea, but kinda closed minded. Steven was hugging Anthony and the girl says, " Ewww. Stop it! Fags! You're going to make me puke!" Fags. Even just the word sounds bad. I'm sick of people saying "Oh that's gay." Gay is not suppose to be a negitive adjective. "OH! That's heterosexual!" Wtf. Double standard much? Alls fair in love and war. That is of course, if you don't love someone that's the same gender as you. Then there are those people that say "Oh, it's just a phase." People don't say that if their kid is straight. It's not something you can catch. It's not some sort of disease. It's a feeling. A way of being. Erg.

So. People have been ticking me off a lot lately. Maybe because I'm PMSing. But who can blame me? First day of break and I'm on my stupid period.
Top it off. I went to the doctor's today for my back. The doctor didn't even remember me coming in before for my back. They put me on this medication. I don't remember what it's called, but they put my dad on it too. They want to have more tests. They wanted to have an MRI but insurance wouldn't approve it. Saying that it'll just go away by itself. Well I hoped it would. But it's almost been a year. They gave me a packet on stuff to help with my back pain. Not sitting or standing in one spot for too long. Oh great, what does that apply to? Computer and school.

This all kinda sucks.

1 comment:

L.E. said...

Personally, I liked your long hair too, but your short hair also looks great too, especially since you colored it. You could always do what Calvin from Calvin and Hobbs did, bring a can of Crisco to school and style your hair into a mohawk after you leave, then comb it down afore you mom sees. Lol.

I hope your back feels better. I have a Rx painkiller from my wisdom teeth operation, want it? Lol.
