Friday, November 24, 2006

Nothing makes you more paranoid...

Than being in a hospital with a cemetary across the street.
That's right. This morning I went to Luthern Hospital. I've got the medical bracelet to prove such. My mom and I got to the hospital all so much easier than we did last time. Bad part was the room we went to last time for X-Rays was locked. Mom wasn't sure if we were in the right place, but Imaging Center seems right for X-Rays right? Well anyways, we wandered around empty hallways for about 20 minutes before going into another building to ask for help. We went to the Raditation Onology Center or something like that, but the parking spots that we could find were reserved for people with permits. We parked there anyways. We went in some doors, came to some desk and asked where we were suppose to be. She told us to follow the yellow dots on the floor to where we are suppose to be. So we did. We must have looked like idiots looking so intently at yellow dots on the floor. After a couple dots the glare on the floor made it look like the dots stopped and we started to panic. "WHAT!? The dots! Oh wait... They keep going!" We definitly got some funny looks. We asked the desk at the end of the yellow dots if thats really where we need to be. It was. Some lady took us back to her cubicle, and man did she type fast. She filled out forms and gave me a medical bracelet. Then she told us to follow the yellow dots back to where we started. So we did, a little less idiotically though. Except that we kept giggling, and half way through we ran out of the doors to move our car so it wouldn't be towed or ticketed. We walked fast back to the building, and in the parking lot was a car with a fake tiger tail coming out of the trunk. That was odd and funny, and very random. We got back to the building and made it back to the desk we started at. Mom tried to remember the other doctor's name that's suppose to look at the X-Rays too, but she couldn't remember. We went to the waiting room and mom said I couldn't go onto the computer in the waiting room, and I whined. Mom let me use her iPod, but before I could get the headphones untangled the X-Ray guy came. His name was Craig. He led us to a room and hanged me some pants to put on. Very confusing pants. After trying to put them on two different ways I realized they were inside out, but I still couldnt figure out which side was the front. So I just put the tie in the front. When I got out, I handed my pants shoes and sweater to my mom. Then Craig led us to the X-Ray room. Mom stood in another room and I layed on a table. Craig asked me questions like when my last period was. and if there was any chance if I was pregnant. Of course, the only chance I have of being pregnant is if abstanence really doesn't work. Then he adjusted my body for the X-Rays. Moved the table and felt my sides for my hip bones. He told me to lay still and to hold my breath. Now breathe. Still. Hold your breath. Okay Breathe. He took about 5 X-Rays. Each time readjusting me and the table. Lying on my back hurt. When we were done Craig led us back to the room where I changed and I gladly took my own clothes back from my mom. I missed my pants. While I was changing back into my own pants, I saw a sign on the wall. "All ties on robes go in the back." So it turns out I had been wearing the pants backwards. Oh well. We left the hospital and went to KingSoopers. There we got brownies, starbucks and cirgarettes. Then off to home. Then I spent hours making plans, and ended up going to the mall with Laura M. and Mariah. We ran into a lot of people. Including Matt, and Phillip. I havent seen Phillip in so long. As soon as i saw him I called out his name. He looked confused for a minute then exclaimed, "SHORTY!" Which happened to be the only name he ever called me. He used to be one of my friends in math. He was a junior in my algebra class. First day I was transferred into Mr. Anderson's class we made friends. Turns out he's starting to work at the Mill's theatre. Maybe I'll see him more often. It was nice hearing his voice again. After the mall, Laura and I went to Mariah's house to watch movies. For the first hour or so we didn't watch a movie. I ate three grilled cheese sandwichs because the only thing I had eatten that day was a toaster struddle (to take with my pill) and some brownies. We eventually watched Hercules. Mom picked me up around nine. And here I am an hour later writting this.

One more thing I'd like to mention. My dreams lately have been so weird. The other night I had a weird one. All I really remember was I was talking with Trevor. I got so frustrated with him and his reasons for dumping me that I just started screaming. I fell to my knees and I just screamed. And that's all I remember. Just screaming. I woke up with a sore throat. Then I realized I had a charlie horse. It hurt so bad that I started crying. When the pain started to go down I finally went back to sleep.
Last night I had a weird dream too. Only this one had a lot of kissing in it. I was at a school play. I had come with Misa but I lost her. The only other person I knew that was around was Ariel A. So I went to hang out with her during the play. Where we originally decided to sit teachers didn't like us there and made us move. So we sat on some risers, but about halfway through the play I got uncomfortable and I stood on one of the poles on the back and rested my head on the riser. Well I started resting my head on Ariel's shoulder, after awhile she started nibbling on my ear and I tried to ignore it. After awhile she moved to my neck. I kissed her and tried to go back to watching the play. Then I felt someone tugging at my jacket. (For some reason I was wearing my Dad's purple jacket.) So, I feel my jacket being tugged. And there Ben is. (Not Ben Ben. But Ben that's in my American History class. He's currently going out with Beth.) Ben is tugging at my jacket and finally he gets it off me, and tries to keep it from me. We start fighting over it and while I have a grip on it he pulls me closer and tries to kiss me, but I back away. He says that he'll only let me have my jacket back if I kiss him. So I did. Then Ariel comes up to me and kisses me too. Then Danny comes out of nowhere and pulls Ariel off me and pulls me outside. He hugged me then kissed me too. Then I woke up.



Anthony said... have confusing dreams.

L.E. said...

The more appropriate comment is " get all the action, girl!"

Angie said...

Lol I only get action in my dreams.