Thursday, December 21, 2006

ARGH! Angie! Don't die!

So it turned out cold does not improve my coughing. Who knew? Well I did, but I didn't particularly care as I ventured out into the literal Winter Wonderland that has consumed Colorado as of late.
What's the worst wake up call ever? Snowballs. My mom walked into my room this morning and threw a snowball at me. I was in my PJ's for a couple hours then decided to unpack a box and go hang out with Marty, because I was in serious need of friend interaction. So I got all bundled up and started walking to the DQ. I got about halfway up the street and wanted to turn around. But I went on. I realized just about every other house would shovel their walks. So it was a lot easier to just walk in one of the two tire tracks in the middle of the road since my street had yet to be plowed. I got scared of slipping on the big hill on Simms so I went back onto the sidewalk. On my way walking, some guy told me I had the fastest mode of transportation and I couldn't help but laugh as he was digging out his car. Marty called me and asked where I was, and after a couple minutes on the phone we spotted eachother. I tried to walk faster but within two steps I fell because I was walking where someone hadn't shoveled. We walked over to the Everyday and found it was closed. The sign on the door said "Closed Due To Weather" and I looked around at the snow and started laughing. I mean they called the National Guard to help us. Of course Everyday is going to be closed because of weather. Marty and I called Bryan to make sure it was okay to stalk him at his house. We walked to his house and watched Bryan play Zelda on his Wii until about five. Misa and Steven got there about 4:30 and Misa wasn't too happy. While we were there, Bryan's brother scared Marty and I with how random and perverted he was for his age. And I couldn't stop coughing and Marty kept telling me not to die. Marty almost fell asleep on the beanbag we were on. Around 5 Marty and I decided we should start walking. But I guess we didn't have to because Bryan's dad gave us a ride home. And Bryan's mom gave us sugary goodness.
When we got infront of my house the snow was up to my boobs e_e and I fell. Rawr.

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