Monday, December 11, 2006

Do the moonwalk!

I think I'm getting stuck in a rut. Or something. I'm not entirely sure what rut means. But it seems like it works.
I just havent felt in the mood to do much of anything lately.
Why do people even care? I mean there are people who know nothing more about me than my first name and they say they care. Why would they? They don't know me. I don't understand.
I've been really clingy lately. I want to just hug people to no end. I had Charlie sit on my lap at lunch because I was cold. He started petting my hair and for some weird reason when i put my head on his shoulder I just wanted to kiss him. Hormones much? But it felt good to get attention again.
Rayne held my hand for the first time today. Kinda shocked me.
Bryan tried to cheer me up during second. He ditched because he wasn't ready for speech class. When he realized I was depressed he hugged me and for once I hugged him back.
Speedy held me for awhile, and even glomped me this morning after Marty and Allison had hugged me and moved out of the way.

Random: I learned how to moonwalk in Photography Class today.
Jesse and I made a bet. If I can get out of his full chokehold type move within 10 minutes then I get an orange Faygo. I can't cheat and kick him in the groin. He can have people tickle me. If my back starts hurting, all bets are off and I get the Faygo, but I can't fake it. Cassie and Dani ref. And we're going to try to get a video of it, or atleast pictures.

Forget anything emotional I whine about this week. I'm full of PMSy goodness.


Anthony said...

It'll be a hit on YouTube!!!

Silver Moons Above a Cursed Sky said...

Lol this is charlie, Im sorry if i put you in a postion ut i was thinking the same thing then i thought... "I better not, I dont want to be wrong another time and hurt in a way.."

Another thing is I care because i share oura's and i felt you pain in a sence... I like to be close to other people so i can help them and i can feel emotion's and all... no im not emo though i have been a hair away from being one...

You seem very brave on right what you feel and think... me i have to tell people one on one or not at all... I dont get emberesed easy or nerus just i have a fear of the thoughts i have about what they think of me...

You are a really nice person and in a way i think i like you maybe as a great friend or more lol... im righting this at ur house with 2 other people who could have at any moment come over here and read this so ill stop now

(v.v)* BUNNY"S!!!!!!!!!!!!