Saturday, December 09, 2006

I don't even know how to flirt!

So, I went to the mall last night. Cassie dropped me off around 7. Unfortunatly, Steven, Misa, and Bryan weren't going to be there till around 8 thirty ish. I found Lauren in Hottopic and she offered to hang out with me while I waited for my friends. When she introduced me, Grant suddenly realized that "HEY! We went to school together in elementary school!" And asked if I remembered him. And I did, and he remembered the feildtrip with my mom. We walked around for awhile, found other people. Lost some people. Everyone decided to pick on Lauren and I tried helping her out. They kept putting all this stuff in her hair, it was mean. When we were in the food court she got mad and ran off. Everyone kinda followed and I just stayed. In about ten minutes Bryan, Misa, and Steven came around the corner and found me. We walked to RadioShack to buy Misa a phone charger. I helped pay for it since they seemed to be a bit low on cash. Bryan kept thinking I was depressed because I wasn't talking much, but I had gotten used to being quiet and ignored with the hour or so I spent with Lauren and her group of friends. We walked around for awhile doing some of Steven's christmas shopping, and eventualy ended up at Jillians. Where we played some games and I called Cassie to come pick me up. They waited outside with me for alittle bit then left, Cassie came about 5 minutes after they left.
Cassie and I went to her house for Scotty's birthday party. When we walked through the doors Cassie shouted "The minor is here!" and JenJen yelled from downstairs "Angie-boo!" JenJen and I played MarioKart64 while Dani and Cassie made dinner. Jen and Scott came over, a little later Erin and Kelsey came over. We all ate and played video games. Watched some TV and around midnight or so, Jesse came over. Put Cassie in a headlock. Put Jen in a headlock. Challenged me to 3 fights. None of them were taken out except for standing and getting ready to fight. We got distracted easily though. The entire time Jesse was there Cassie was trying to get me and him alone together. She succeeded and Jesse and I went downstairs to play pool. We both really sucked and cheated a lot but it was fun. Cassie came down after awhile and played with Jesse's DS, Kelsey came down and talked with us until he boyfriend came. Dani, Jen and Scott went into Dani's room. Jesse and I decided to play AirHockey. Which we both sucked at. Jesse threatened to put me in a headlock, and after circling around the table for awhile I fell to the floor and curled into a ball. Great defence isn't it? Well it actually worked. They felt sorry for me and left me alone. Jen and Scott played and I sat on the floor and texted Bryan. Jesse wanted to know what I was writing and tried stealing my phone. Jesse played DS. Kelsey's boyfriend got there and Kelsey and him went into "Jesse's room" Which is just the boiler room. Eventually Jesse left with Jen and Scott, Kelsey and her boyfriend left then and Cassie went to bed. Dani and I stayed up talking and I slept in her room. In the morning Cassie said I was flirting with Jesse. I don't even know how to flirt. How the hell do you flirt when you don't even know how to? Dani said people say she flirts like a guy. How the hell do guys flirt?

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