Friday, December 08, 2006

Oh damn. Let's make that illegal for girls to like me too.

So it turns out I shouldn't have been so paranoid about Bryan, although I still think he likes me.
Allison: She asked me out today. Honestly I didn't really see it coming until she started setting up for it. When lunch ended, I gave Marty, Misa, and Allison hugs and started walking towards photography. Allison wanted to walk with me. She tried holding my hand, which for any one else might have been a tip off right? Wrong, I hold hands with most of my friends. The day before we decided that I own Allison's boobs. And inturn I own all of Allison. So here's how it goes. She tries holding my hand, and I had to move Marty's sharpie to my other hand so she could. We started walking alittle and she kisses the back of my hand. Still, not all that odd consitering how most of my friends are. "So... I was thinking Angie, since you own my boobs. And basically me... Oh man this is making me nervous." This is when I figured out what she was trying to ask. She started again. "Since you own me... I was wondering if you'd like to own me... as a girlfriend too." I tried to let her down gently. Asked her if she knew the reason on why I broke up with Speedy. She said no and I explained that I just wasn't ready for a relationship. But if I had been, I would have most likely said yes. She did only break up with her boyfriend last week though. When she realized she loved Erik and not him. Pretty flattered though that she even asked me.
Speedy: We're still kinda close. We don't really talk anymore, but we still say Hey in the halls and hug eachother. But Marty tells me that Kara and him aren't dating. But Speedy has been asking her and been trying to kiss her. Turns out she has a boyfriend in Washington. Not sure how reliable this is, but it's something. Plus, it makes a lot of sense on why Kara was stressed out the other day and why Speedy has been so anxious to see Kara in the morning. All I can say is atleast he's moved on. And I'm perfectly fine as long as he's fine.
Bryan: I was expecting him out of anyone to ask me out first. I actually had a dream about him, Kara, Marty, and Rayne. I made out with all of them in my dream. It was really weird. Kara was a good kisser in my dream though. The rest I don't really remember all too well. I texted Bryan in the morning telling him of said dream. He said he had a dream that he and I were dating. And I killed him. Which made me laugh. When I told my dad about it, he looked at me and said that he didn't doubt it. I might see Misa, Steven, Bryan and some of Steven's friends at the mall tonight. If I'm not at Scotty's birthday party. I'll try to work out both. Nothing too special happened with Bryan and me today though. Maybe he won't ever ask me out ^_^
Doctors: I went to the doctors today half way through 2nd period. We drove up to Golden for this... Spine center thing. One of the people there was a frequent sub in the History hall and such. But I can't figure out his name. It wasn't Mr. Barker, or Mr. Owens.. It was some other guy... It's bugging me that I don't remember. Anyways. The doctor looked at my x-rays and we came to the conclusion that I'm going to be doing some physical therpy. For some odd months, and if my back doesn't get better then we'll do some more tests. That's all they told me though.
Andrew: So wait. Is it national ask Angie out day? It's weird enough to be asked out once, but twice? I'm still skeptical if he was kidding or not. He does have a girlfriend after all. I used to have a crush on him. I gave up on him asking me out a long time ago though. Kinda confusing. What would be even more confusing would be if Bryan would ask me out too.
Jesse: He thinks I'm hot. Oh dang. If he's at Scotty's birthday party then that's going to be alittle awkward.
Danny: He says he loves me. How long has he known me? A couple months? People are weird.

Now what the hell is up with all of this? When did I go from That-Girl-Angie to Fucking-Amazing-Angie? Or even Girlfriend-Material-Angie? My gosh. I don't get this at all.

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