Thursday, December 07, 2006

It should be illegal

For any guy to like me as more than a friend.
The chance of Bryan having a crush on me increases with every moment I spend with him.
So I went to school today. I was sick yesterday. Bryan ditched his second to hang out with me. Ariel, Kelsey, David, and Johnny (some new kid from AZ) ditched too. The two hours before school started that I was at school, I went to Safeway with Sasha. Which was pretty cool since I haven't seen her much since she started going out with Laura. Somehow I ended up getting depressed, and walked most of the way back to school in silence, then sat in the corner alone. People came over. Speedy spotted me first. Bryan, Ariel, Allison, and Kelsey came later, amung some others. Bryan sat next to me and tried to cheer me up. But it was odd. He's look me straight in the eye with this confused face like he was trying to read my problems through my eyes. It was hard to look at him straight back in the eyes. After a couple seconds, I'd look down at the floor, or at someone else. He kept asking me what was wrong, and I'd ask him the same question without answering his. I refused to tell him until he told me why he always says his life sucks. I started changing things, and saying stuff like, "Why do you even care?" "Why do you want to know". His reply? "Because I do care." I told him that he lied. He kinda seemed hurt by that comment. But he's not sure if he believes that I care about him. Eventually he broke down and told me why his life sucks. He leaned in and spoke quietly like he didn't want others to hear. "I'm hollow." But see this is confusing. Because he's told me before that he doesn't like emotion, and he gets rid of it because he perfers numbness over pain. But he complains about being hollow. I don't get it. I told him he didn't have to be hollow. When I told him the only problems I really had were worrying about my friends and their problems. But seriously, that's most of my stress, I don't cause much drama if any. Later in second period he was like dead. Kelsey kissed him and he didn't move. Kelsey and I drew on his stomach and all he did was lay on the ground and stare at the ceiling. I moved his limbs and proped him up so he was sitting, but still he didn't move. He didn't resist. He was just limp. He stared right through me. I tried asking him what was wrong. I just tried talking to him. He didn't say much. After a bit, he said he was counting marks on the ceiling. So I layed him back down carefully and sat next to him. I still tried to talk to him, and he did crack a few smiles, but they seemed forced. He did get up sometime. I don't really remember when though.
Lunch, I walked around with Marty. Then we went back to a new corner. In the English/ACE hall. "AIDs" was in the cubby, so Misa and Bryan didn't want to go in. We settled under a Bagels poster. Bryan decided it should be the single's corner too since none of us had significant others. Except Misa. So it was the Bagel single's and Misa corner. Bryan sat there petting my hair while I layed down sharing Misa's backpack with Marty as a pillow. When Bryan left to cheer up Kelsey, Misa decided it should be the couple's corner. But Marty and I were without lovers. So Misa said "You and Marty are together now" I started laughing and said Hai to Marty. When Bryan came back he was kinda quiet. I stopped using Misa's backpack as a pillow because it hurt my neck. Misa poked me, then Bryan did. And my spasms and random noises cheered him up a little I guess, because he started talking again. We all planned to meet at DQ when we found out Marty didn't live too far from any of us.
Later in photography, I checked my phone for texts and found he had sent me one during second. "Lets go for a walk" Why didn't he just straight out say it? When I asked him that all he said was: "Because I'm complicated" . Wait, what? What does being complicated have anything to do with that?
After school I met Misa, Bryan, Steven, and Marty at DQ. (Which is going to be a DQ/Orange Julius soon) I walked Ducky there, and we hung out for awhile. Then we drove me home to drop off Ducky and we all went to Bryan's to play his Wii. Now, honestly, I didn't think it was going to be all that good. But man was I proved wrong. It was fun as hell. Especially when Marty got excited for doing well at bowling, jumped, and hit his head on a ceiling fan. Later he hit his head on Bryan's couch. We concluded that Bryan's house hates Marty. When Steven eventually had to take Marty and I home, we all had this odd hug war. Misa hugged me and Marty really fast. Then hugged me and Marty at the same time. Decided we needed to do a group hug. Apparently, Bryan and Steven are a bit homophobic and didn't want to hug other guys. Bryan seemed to only want to hug me, or Misa, seperately from Marty. We finally dragged him into the circle, and Steven too. There was a lot of squeezing, and with being one of the shortest, my neck was one of the things squeezed. Then we let go, Bryan hugged me seperately and we left. And that was the end of the hug war.
I went home, and later that night I got more texts from Bryan. He asked why humans, especially girls are so confusing. How do you answer something like that?
I don't know what to think anymore. I wonder why Bryan wanted to go on that walk...

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