Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Don't poke the fucking bear!

So, yesterday was an odd day. I woke up around noon and watched V for Vendetta which I am borrowing from Ariel. Such an amazing movie.
After movie time, and the struggle with setting up my DVD player to watch said movie, I went online and called Ariel. Ariel and I decided to go over to Kelsey's house. I got directions to Ariels house, and we rushed out the door to pick up Ariel. On the way over to Kelsey's house we got into this weird conversation with how it'd just be awsome to be able to teleport. There would be no need for cars or roads and so that big cloud of pollution downtown wouldn't be there. Course there are the cons of teleporting in on someone at the wrong times. And what the hell would happen if you teleported to the same place as someone else at the same time? Ah well.
Kelsey's house we talked, and maybe it was a bad thing for us to get together. Being the three girls who seem to want to be the downfall of Bryan. But actually, I'm not even mad at him anymore. Yea okay, what he did wasn't the best and it did hurt, but it's okay. Well it turns out that Kelsey really did know too much about everything. Bryan was going to choose Ariel. Sadly, Kelsey was right, and Ariel was on the rebound and had no actual feelings for Bryan. We told me him after he said he was going to choose Ariel. He was already depressed and that just made things worse. He wasn't eatting and now he just wanted to die. Overly dramatic much? I spent hours trying to convince him to eat. He refused. We texted him and such while we were at Kelsey's. Steven texts me and says, "So I hear you guys are plotting against Bry... Can I help?" So we called him, course he was kidding about helping us plot, but he did actually help. We devised a plan to kiddnapp Bryan. Course the downfall of kiddnapping him is that it has to be okay with his parents. Steven went to go get him, but his parents forced him to watch them eat, then he could leave. Ftw? I don't know why they didn't just make him eat. They had to have noticed that he hasn't been eating for a couple days. So while were waiting for Bryan and Steven to come, we ate ravioli ^_^ Love that. Bryan and Steven came and we had some fun there, Bryan didn't seem too terribly bad. We did however attack Bryan and Steven with a disposable camera. Bryan hid it several times in his back pockets and such, but that didn't stop Kelsey and I for going for it. Kelsey and Ariel attacked Steven a lot. I stole the awsome chair, and after awhile, I realized Bryan hadn't been apart of anything for awhile. I look behind the chair and there he is. Sitting with his head down and his legs crossed. I poked him, and he did nothing. I pokes him a couple more times, still nothing. I tried talking to him. Nothing. I got out of the chair and sat nxt to him. I knew somethign was wrong and I kept asking him. The only question he responded to was "Are you mad at me?" He shook his head no. Everything else he didn't move. "Do you want me to leave you alone?" "Bryan, what's wrong?" "Come on Bryan, you can talk to me." I awkwardly hugged him because he was sitting in a corner. I unfolded his arms and legs and tried to push up his head. He didn't do anything. I layed my head on his shoulder and tried talking to him, maybe he'd only answer yes or no questions. So I asked him more of those. Nothing. He finally said something like "You can't help me". But I promised him I wasn't going to leave him, and I kept pestering the hell out of him for him to tell me. Ariel had to leave around 8, so I got up and hugged her but went right back to sitting next to Bryan. I tried to move him so I could hug him less awkwardly. That didn't work, he went limp and tried to slump totally forward. He ended up falling over and laying on the floor. So I layed down and got eye level with him again. I scratched his back to hopefully be some sort of comfort to him. When I tried to brush glitter out of his hair he moved my hand away. He told me that it was pointless to try to help him, and yet again I assured him I wasn't going to leave him. I kinda talked to Steven and Kelsey while on the floor with Bryan. Kelsey's mom turned on the lights and I looked down at Bryan. There were tears on his arm and his nose. I brushed the tears off and asked him what was wrong. He stared at the floor. I pestered some more and he turned his head away from me. I tried talking to him more and just sighed and layed by him. In the mist of Kelsey's mom yelling that we shouldn't have the light off, Bryan went into the bathroom to cry. Kelsey dragged him back and he stole the awsome chair. I sat next to the chair and tried talking to him more. He still didn't talk, and if he did all he said was I was wasting my time. I told him I didn't think I was, and still went on pestering him. Man I'm one stubborn girl. I tried sitting with me and he wouldn't let me. I got mad and went to knee him in the leg. I kneed the chair on accident, and started laughing saying that it hurt. I curled up on the floor for a couple minutes, and Bryan turned his back to me. I went to the other side of the chair and just sat there staring at him. He'd look ar me for a little bit then glance away, then look back, and glance away again. I sat there for atleast 15 minutes just staring at him. He told me to stop it but i didn't move. He turned his back on me again and I still didnt move. After alittle bit we had to leave, under orders of Kelsey's mom. Steven gave Bryan and I a ride home. He took Bryan home first, which didnt make sense to me because my house was on the way to Bryan's. I figured maybe Steven wanted to talk about the night with me. On the way to Bryan's I still just stared at him. It bugged him. He'd turn his head just enough to look back to see if I was still watching him, then turn his head quickly in the order direction. Steven and I talked about Bryan on the way over to my house, and we said our goodbyes. When I got into the house I went downstairs and called Bryan. That's just how persistant I was. I eventually got him to open up, then he hung up with me to call Ariel. She didn't answer. According to Kelsey, Ariel's glad to be rid of Bryan. Harsh. He called me back and I tried some more for pestering, then he hung up with me to call Kelsey. When he called me back he had a different attitude. It was weird. Instead of being all down about himself, he wouldn't stop telling me sorry. "I'm sorry" "For what?" "Hurting you. Doing what I did." "It's okay" "No, it's not" that's about the jist of the conversation. He wouldn't take "it's okay" for an answer. He kept saying that I should just hate him. He apologized for not opening up before. He apologized for being so mean when I was the only one trying to help. He told me I should just leave him out of my life because he's afriad of hurting me. All the time I kept telling him it's okay, and he wouldn't believe me. He says I deserve happiness, and I told him he did too. But he doesnt believe me. I don't know how to convince him nothing needs to be fixed.

In other news. Ducky is harassing Muffin and she scratched the hell out of my wrist when I picked her up away from him. Kinda hurts. If she would have been alittle bit to the left, she could have hit the major vein. Gosh she cuts deep.

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