Sunday, February 25, 2007

Long post that will basicly hold little information.

Last night... I got my first hickey? ._. The one I left on him was much worse though..

Bryan says that this song reminds him of me:
Crazy Mary is a slow girl who looks up to no one.
Would do anything for a cold one.
Wishes she could find her way home.
Got the look on her face and her stare's like ray gun.
We walked by everyday
and I wish there was something I could do for her.

Maybe if I took a little time to talk then she'd heal a little if she wants to.
She can run but let's teach her how to walk away now.
I'll shake a little if she wants to she'll laugh a little if she needs to.
There's a key to the door that she's hiding behind.

She watches the world pass her by like a freight train.
They all call her the same name.
Laughin' as they point and stare at her.
So she crys out to God up in Heaven,
been prayin since she was 11.
For Him to send someone to meet her there.

Maybe if I took a little time to talk then she'd heal a little if she wants to.
She can run but let's teach her how to walk away now.
I'll shake a little if she wants to she'll laugh a little if she needs to.
There's a key to the door that she's hiding behind.

And no one knows all the thoughts, all the dreams,
and the ideas she's got and contains inside.
She's broken apart
and her heart is still lookin for somewhere to feel alright.
And no one knows all the thoughts, and the dreams,
and ideas she's got and contains inside. (so she can find her way home)
She's so broken apart
and her heart is still lookin for somewhere to feel alright. (she needs somewhere to find)
alright, feel alright, alright.

Maybe if I took a little time to talk then she'd heal a little if she wants to.
She can run but let's teach her how to walk away now.
I'll shake a little if she wants to she'll laugh a little if she needs to.
There's a key to the door that she's hiding behind.

And that if you want to listen to it.

I found my old friend Demon. Kyle got freaking mad at me.

Let me feel the vibrations of your melancholy heart. - Goodbye Sanity says:
Let me feel the vibrations of your melancholy heart. - Goodbye Sanity says:
Remember Demon?
Martha Divine says:
yea i do
Let me feel the vibrations of your melancholy heart. - Goodbye Sanity says:
I found her!
Martha Divine says:
thats cool
Martha Divine says:
thats cool
Let me feel the vibrations of your melancholy heart. - Goodbye Sanity says:
Let me feel the vibrations of your melancholy heart. - Goodbye Sanity says:
Am I the only one really happy about this?
Martha Divine says:
i dunno, sorry i am happy you found her and all just its been a long time since the whole neopets thing
Let me feel the vibrations of your melancholy heart. - Goodbye Sanity says:
Martha Divine says:
Let me feel the vibrations of your melancholy heart. - Goodbye Sanity says:
Martha Divine says:
Martha Divine says:
look i said i was happy for you, but its not one of those situations where i jump up and down for joy ok?
Let me feel the vibrations of your melancholy heart. - Goodbye Sanity says:
Martha Divine says:
i dont see why lately everyone seems to think i have to be so fuckin slap happy all the damn time
Let me feel the vibrations of your melancholy heart. - Goodbye Sanity says:
Well excuse me for thinking you might be happy to talk to her to, but nevermind. God.
Martha Divine says:
well if she wants to talk to me then thats great i'll talk to her but its not like i'd know exactly what to say
Let me feel the vibrations of your melancholy heart. - Goodbye Sanity says:
K, whatever.
Martha Divine says:
Martha Divine says:
i really dont give a shit anymore really if your going to get an attitude with me like everyone else has the fuck this i'm not going to stick around
Martha Divine says:
Martha Divine says:
i mean jesus fucking christ you all have been acting like you've got stick up your ass about something and no one ever tells me why
Let me feel the vibrations of your melancholy heart. - Goodbye Sanity says:
You're the one acting liek they have a stick up their ass Mr. Pessimistic.
Martha Divine says:
maybe the reason why i'm acting that way is because almost everyone i know is mad about something and i havnt even been able to laugh at anything for the past week and a half
Martha Divine says:
maybe thats why im pissed
Let me feel the vibrations of your melancholy heart. - Goodbye Sanity says:
I WAS FUCKING HAPPY. You brought my mood down.
Martha Divine says:
Let me feel the vibrations of your melancholy heart. - Goodbye Sanity says:
Well fine then.
Let me feel the vibrations of your melancholy heart. - Goodbye Sanity says:
Fuck you.
Martha Divine says:
no thanx
Let me feel the vibrations of your melancholy heart. - Goodbye Sanity says:
God Kyle, you're such a fucking jackass.
Martha Divine says:
i know, comes with my personality...
Let me feel the vibrations of your melancholy heart. - Goodbye Sanity says:
Didn't used to.
Martha Divine says:
as far as you remember
Let me feel the vibrations of your melancholy heart. - Goodbye Sanity says:
Well you never used to be so jackassish to me.
Martha Divine says:
maybe thats because you never gave me a reason to before
Let me feel the vibrations of your melancholy heart. - Goodbye Sanity says:
Let me feel the vibrations of your melancholy heart. - Goodbye Sanity says:
Let me feel the vibrations of your melancholy heart. - Goodbye Sanity says:
I'm done.
Martha Divine says:
it doesnt matter anymore everyone keeps pushing and pushing me away anyhow. why should you be any different
Martha Divine says:
im miserable alone but if it means not getting bitched at then maybe its better for me to be alone
Martha Divine says:
i fuckin hate fighting but you and the whole entire population thats living here keep fucking provoking me!
Martha Divine says:
all i ever hear anymore from people is "kyle go to hell!" well you know what? fuck you! you all should be the ones in hell for making me feel like shit for some long! you all can go to hell because god knows i fucking dont deserve it!!
Martha Divine says:
Ugh! FUCK!! im sorry i was being a just extreamly pissed off at the moment and...mostly i was ranting about OTHER people that have been making me mad. the only reason im apologizing is because i dont want to lose you as a friend. we've been through to much to let this little argument discard all that...just call me if you want or not it's your choice i just havnt been able to-
Martha Divine says:
-vent to anyone at all and i guess talking to you now built up to much stress and i exploded...
Martha Divine says:
if your still there at least answer me with something...

I never replied. I have nothing to reply with. I don't like fighting with him but it happens all the time now.
I feel horrible and I keep crying.

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