Friday, March 30, 2007

Stereotypes much?

Tutorial to be an Emo Girl.

1. Buy all your clothes at a thrift store.
2. Buy all the black eyeliner you can find. (You’re going to need it to make yourself look sleep deprived. This will give the authentic look that you have not slept for days and that you have been crying. Run it under cold water, or wash your face soon after putting on eyeliner.)
3. Cut your hair yourself. Dye your hair yourself. Make it look as unpresentable at a family event as possible. This will signal your call for help. It’s acceptable to base hairstyles off of Frankenstein’s Bride.
4. Go to a lot of concerts of bands with depressing names. Don’t jump at the concerts; remember you’re supposed to be depressed, not happy.
5. Dress in all black. Tight clothes too. Remember that you should not be able to fit your fingers between your leg and the hem of the pant leg. Yay tight pants.
6. Look on the dark side of life. Example: Your parents buy you a puppy; cry because eventually it will die, along with your black heart.
7. Buttons, patches, safety pins and badges are your friends.
8. Hide your love for everything. Love makes you sad. Yes it does.
9. Cut. But remember to go across the wrist, not down it. You’re just acting depressed, you don’t fully intend on killing yourself. And if you get a paper cut, don’t hesitate to be over dramatic about it. People will react to your pain and suffering with attention, and that’s what you want.
10. Cry cry cry. Cry over everything. A duck crosses the street, cry. Make an elaborate story on how it ran away from it’s demanding parents. Make it seem like you were comparing the duck to yourself even though your parents love and dote upon you often.
11. Write poetry about your “horrible” life. Be sure to show this poetry to everyone, tell them you hate it even if you seem egger to show everyone. Cry if they don’t like it. Or if they do.
12. Do not show any sort of school spirit. School spirit means your part of a group of people who possibly rely on you. That’s way too much pressure for you. Besides, you must think that your school sucks. It’s the downside.
13. Don’t smile. It signifies happiness.
14. Go to the school therapist daily. Break down crying because a girl in the hall way looked at you in the wrong way.
15. Write depressing posts on LiveJournal, Blogger, or Myspace. This will show the world you need to be treated better so that you will not be depressed.
16. When the doctor’s put you on anti-depressants, try to OD.
17. Plan your own death and write several suicide notes. Leave them in obvious places so that plenty of people can “stop you”.
18. Stop doing your homework. The sudden drop in performance in school will clue in anyone who hasn’t caught previous clues that you need love and attention. Who cares if this jeopardizes your future, you planned on dying before you passed high school anyways.
19. Constantly criticize yourself and put yourself down. After all, you think the world would be a better place without you.
20. Complain about insomnia constantly. Or if staying up isn’t for you, spend all of your time sleeping. A sign of depression is over sleeping or under sleeping.
21. Refuse to make eye contact with people. And look down when you’re walking. (Remember to know of your surroundings and know where people are by the position of their feet. You don’t need to be clumsy.)
22. Keep razor blades all over your room.
23. Wear tons of bracelets. With colorful beads.
24. Hello Kitty is your idol. She never smiles, and she also reminds you of your youth when you were happy.
25. Switch up your clothes, wear bright colors sometimes and tacky animal print. This draws attention to you and distinguishes you from being a Goth.
26. Cover one eye. Most commonly done with hair, depth perception makes the world a happier place. You are not allowed to have that. (Pirates were the first hard core Emos. Eye patches.)
27. Refer to everything as “Hard Core”.
28. You can’t admit to being an Emo. Then everyone just thinks you’re a poser and immediately stops paying attention to you.
29. Two words: Straight Edge.
30. Its okay to dress like you’re colorblind, or your five years of age.
31. Spend most of your time at home, or at the mall if home is too much to take.
32. Deem Hot Topic as your favorite store ever.
33. Make friends with the people who make the most drama, then you can have new things to complain about.
34. Invader Zim and other pointless cartoons are the only thing you'll admit to watching.
35. Think plastic rimmed rectangular glasses. (Even if you have perfect vision, the lenses are not necessary, but the rims are.) If you’re going all out, break the glasses at the bridge and tape them back.
36. All of your guy friends are allowed to borrow your clothes, no matter how tight or the color of the clothing.
37. Ohio is for lovers.
38. Everyone that looks like you is an obvious poser.
39. Complain about posers or any other inconvenience in your life on multiple Myspace bulletins. The more bulletins the more chances for people to feel sorry for you.
40. Big sunglasses that cover most of your face are an ultimate must when going anywhere, no matter what the weather is. Or if it’s night.
41. There is no such thing as bad attention. Whore it up.
42. Stars and broken hearts are the only thing you’re allowed to draw.
43. No watching the news. That’s taking an interest in something, and possibly thinking about other people than yourself.
44. Wear multiple belts, studded and seatbelt buckle latches are preferred. Note that the belt does not have to hold up your pants.
45. Be a vegan without the activism.
46. Get a mean cat. If everything gets to be too much you can blame the cuts on your arm on the cat. (Also a good way to cut yourself if you find picking up a razor too much of a hassle) Another plus is that you can complain about another living organism refusing to love you. Allergic to cats? Complain about your hives and closed up throat.
47. If you’re really into it, join a cult. Or start one yourself. If you’re lucky they will have a group suicide you can join.
48. If you’re not into the cutting the wrists. Cut other places if you seek attention from everyone but your parents. Or if you can’t stand blood, claim you cut to everyone and wince when they hug you, making them think you cut your stomach.
49. Contradict anything your parents say. It's impossible for them to understand your dark twisted soul.
50. If you’re losing an argument with someone just stop and tell them they don’t understand your pain.
51. You know what? No one understands you period.
52. Look at yourself in the mirror daily and remind yourself of everything you hate about yourself.
53. Refuse to accept any compliments and remind people that they don’t love you. This will make them try harder, and after awhile they’ll give up and quit. This will give you sorrow for more poems and rants.
54. If you’re really Emo you know that My Chemical Romance isn’t.
55. Sarcasm is the only type of humor you’re allowed to use. Remember to use it horribly so that if someone thinks you’re being sincere you can tell them that they don’t understand.
56. Don’t buy an iPod, that’s too mainstream for you.
57. Old school Nintendo and Sega are you’re all time favorite past time.
58. Scene kids are your enemies, and no, Scene and Emo are not one in the same.
59. Religion is not allowed because that is again showing interest in something. It also makes you seem like you believe life will get better, and that some higher being loves you.
60. Music is your only love. The lyrics of the depressing songs you listen to show you that life really is a cruel place.
61. Learn how to play an instrument and make yourself a garage band. (Make sure you teach yourself. The sounds you produce should not sound like music.)
62. If you get a significant other become overly clingy and needy to drive them away. Later you can poorly write a song about your dark abyss of a heart.
63. Ambulances are cool.
64. Piercing your own lip is hard core.
65. Valentine’s Day is an excuse to be extra bitter.
66. Make your own MySpace layout. Make it very colorful and flashy. If you can induce seizures, mission accomplished.
67. Make sure all of your MySpace pictures consist of yourself in various obscure angles and that at least one of the pictures is of any self mutilation so the world can see your pain. Don’t forget to take all of the pictures yourself; we need to see that “can-see-your-arm-leading-to-the-camera-picture-whore-style”.
68. Photoshop everything. It’s great to have a picture that no one can longer make out the original subject matter.
69. When in any group activities sulk in corners. If possible force yourself to cry, and try to do it loudly so that everyone knows you’re upset.
70. If you’re out of things to complain about, make up a friend that died. (Leave out the detail that this friend is imaginary.)
71. Burst into tears at random times, especially when coming close to being happy.
72. Try to warn others of the cruel dark world.
73. When you get to the age to move out- don’t. Live with your parents as long as possible. You don’t want to be tossed into the outside world.
74. Your main goal is to just exist… And to annoy as many people as possible.
75. Scarves are your best friend. Do not leave without your scarf even if it is over 100 degrees outside.
76. Hang out at hole in the wall places that no one else has ever heard of. Everything else is too mainstream.
77. Become fluent in internet speech. And say “Oh em gee” and “El oh el” instead of showing actual emotion.
78. Everyone is oppressing you.
79. Become aware of all local bands that no one has ever heard of. Remember to never listen to the radio. That’s too mainstream, too. Instead, burn yourself CD’s, or better yet, Mix Tapes.
80. Buy the most fragile cell phone you can find. When it breaks you can write a song about it. Idea: “The cell phone that was fragile like my heart.”
81. Everything you own must be covered in song lyrics.
82. You have to own at least one pair of Vans or Converse. Don’t forget to cover them with lyrics.
83. The only celebrity crush you can have is Pete Wentz.
84. Your ideal guy is scrawny and pale. Possibly a Skater/Emo boy.
85. Your boyfriend should have longer hair than you.
86. Every piece of clothing should have a skull on it.
87. If you can’t find what you want at thrift stores, make your own clothes. Don’t worry if you can’t sew, it’ll make it look more original.
88. Get all instant messengers and make sure your screen name is full of x’s. (Example: xXxLostSoulxXx)
89. Constantly flip your hair out of your eyes only to place it back over one eye. (This will also annoy the hell out of teachers that want you to make eye contact with them)
90. Sharpies can be used for anything. Always have 4 or 5 with you.
91. When standing use bad posture. Hunch over and cross your arms.
92. It’s not “pink” it’s “Hot pink”.
93. None of your friends are allowed to see your natural hair color. Black and super blonde hair dye is preferred. Mix it up and put some sort of neon highlights in it.
94. Steal necklaces from your grandmother. The type of fake pearls that are long enough to go to your waist are best.
95. Arm warmers. Enough said.
96. Your favorite book must be Catcher in the Rye.
97. You must try to cover as much skin on your body as possible. And layers are a good thing.
98. A good majority of your shirts must be of old cartoons that no one remembers or bands. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know most of them.
99. The more clown like your make-up looks the more Emo you are.
100. Anything not covered in lyrics must be covered in duct tape. Then Sharpie lyrics onto the duct tape.
Disclaimer: All of the above is based off of stereotypes. This is not meant to offend anyone, just for fun. If you it bugs you that much leave me an angry comment.

Your fucking mom. My fucking gum?

Last night at JakJak's. Fun. We went to KingSooper's. Got a chocolate chocolatey cake and wrote "Have a Happy Period." on it. Watched a movie where they exploded a cat. Computer things. Tickling. Hugs. Tv. Cuddling. Putting make-up on Anthony. RAINBOW EYE MAKE-UP. ^_^ Um... Card games. Trying to convince Dylan to play Pimps and Hoes with us. Sleeping. Waking up. Lola. Jig. Waiting for mom. Going home. Showering. Packing. Back to JakJak's for phone charger. Off to Burrito Express. To Mountains. Random Road. Aunt Cindy's house. Dial up. Laptop. Yay.

1. My 'ex' is still :: One of my best friends.
2. I am listening to :: My mom and my aunt laughing.
3. an imaginary question? D: Ohnoess!
4. I love :: Burritos.
5. My best friend(s) :: Are insane.
6. I don't understand :: Lana sometimes.
7. I lost my respect for :: Kelsey.
8. I last ate :: Burrito!
9. The meaning of my MySpace display name is :: Lyrics from a song (We'll wear our scarves just like a noose)
10. Love is :: Common. True love is rare.
11. Somewhere :: Someone is being mugged because they didn't listen to me when I told them not to.
12. I will always :: Be up for hugs.
13. Love seems to :: Screw people over.
14. I never ever want to lose :: my friends.
15. My mobile phone is :: Old. I want Steven's old one.
16. When I woke up this morning :: Lola waved to me.
17. I get annoyed with :: Drama.
18. Parties :: should be held more often.
19. My pet(s) :: probably miss the hell out of me. I haven't been home much in the past week.
20. ...doesn't exist?
21. Today I :: was tickled numerous times.
22. I wish :: that people would be happy.
23. I really want :: hugs.


01. Is your hair wet?:: It's damp. I took a shower two and a half hours ago/
02. Is your cell phone right by you?:: It's in my pocket.
03. Do you miss someone?:: Yes.
04. Are you wearing chap stick?:: Hellz no.
05. Are you tired?:: No. I should be.
06. Are you excited?:: For what?
07. Are you watching tv? :: Nope.
08. Are you wearing pajamas?:: Nope.

01. Recently done anything you regret?:: Yea.
02. Ever lied?:: Psh. Of course.
03. Ever stuck gum under a desk?:: Nope.
04. Ever kicked someone?:: Yea. Joe knows the wrath of my kicking.
05. Ever tripped over your own feet?:: Of course. Especially those days I decide to wear boots.

01. Have you cursed?:: If you consister hell a swear word.
02. Have you yelled at someone?:: Yes. I have older siblings.
03. Have you gotten mad at someone?:: Yea, that doesn't happen very often though.

Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now?:: Yes.
Q: Do you have any siblings?:: Two sisters and one brother. All older.
Q: Do you want children?:: I don't know.
Q: Do you smile often?:: Yea.
Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?:: No, I untie them to pu them back on.
Q: Do you like your handwriting?:: It's alright. People often confuse my lower case f's for p's and my lower case t's for b's.
Q: Are you a friendly person? :: Yup, but I'm shy.
Q: Who's bed did you sleep in last night?:: Jacqi's community livingroom bed.
Q: What size ring do you wear?:: 8 on my thumb?
Q: What are you wearing?:: Outdoor lab hoodie, Ninja shirt, and jeans.
Q: What were you doing at 7 PM yesterday?:: Texting Bryan and watching Tv with Jacqi, Dylan, and Jig.
Q: Is Tom on your MySpace friends list?:: Nope.
Q: Look to your right :: I'm looking!


1. Last beverage: I'm currently drinking some vanilla coke.
2. Last to call you: On the phone? Steven.
3. Last to instant message you: Gareth.
4. Last cd played: Offspring. Americana.
5. Last BUBBLE bath: Bubble bath? Couple years ago. Bubbles are fun shutup.
6. Last time you cried: Uhhh. Last weekend I think.


1. dated someone twice: Yea e_e
2. Been cheated on?: Nope. Not that I know of anyways. I have some suspisions about Speedy though.
3. Kissed someone and regretted it?: Nope.
4. Lost someone special?: Well, they didn't die, but yes.
5. Been depressed? Yes.
6. Been drunk and threw up?: Nope.


1. Cried a lot? No more than usual.
2. Fallen out of love? ...
3. Laughed until you cried? Haha, the other day actually.
4. Met someone who changed your life? I haven't really met any new people.
5. Found out who your true friends were? Yea....
6. Is there something you want to tell to someone? Somewhat. I'm not entirely excited to tell him. But he'll find out eventually.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

It's pretty sad

When you wake up and look outside at snow on the ground; after having days of perfect weather, and you're not suprized in the slightest.
I was suppose to go to my aunt's house days ago. Instead, my aunt got sick. I babysat my baby cousins (One of which got sick and the other was just getting over getting sick) and now there's snow on the ground. So I guess I'm going to Jacqi's house, spend time with Lola, Jacqi, Caitlin, Dylan, and Anthony. And you know, who knows who else. Because it is Jacqi's house.
I got home last night at around 5 from my cousin's house. Bryan was in the process of setting up a movie night at my house. That didn't go over so well. There were some angry's at Steven's house towards Bryan and he ended up being the only one out of them to come over. Mom and I picked up Smasha, and we had a movie night. First we played uno though. I had a Full Throttle when I was already hyper and Bryan got a recording of me admitting I was cute. I lie for sugar.

That's from awhile ago. Me and Smasha at school.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Fuuuuuuuccccccccckkkkkk you.

I hate people. So while we were all at Steven's we kept breaking up into groups. Just when Ariel got there too. Bryan starts flirting with Ariel like hell. Misa goes upstairs on the computer, and Steven and I start watching TV. At the mall Bryan and Ariel wander off, kay no big deal. Then Mandie called Steven and he talks to her being all like "Don't hurt yourself" and stuff. Misa gets upset and runs off, Steven and I try to follow her but sh darts in a different direction. Steven chases after her and tells me he'll be right back. So I wander into Earthbound, and look up as son as they're walking by. I try to catch up but lose them. I walked around the mall by myself for over a half hour. Steven calls me and tells me to go to the food court. I start heading over there and run into Misa. We ditch everyone and go to Borders to read Mangas. They cal us both and we go over to the food court. Steven takes Ariel and I home, and I text Mandie asking if her and Bry are over with. She says yes and "I'm over it. I cried i cut. I laughed. Now its time to play devils advocate". I'm fuckingn pissed at her. She PROMISED me she wouldn't cut. Promised. She's an attention whore and I ignored her calls to apologize. Ariel. God. She's been ticking me off for so long. She keeps flirting with Bryan and he reacts. Yes he starts it sometimes but she starts it the majority of the time. Then she acts all innocent. "Ew no I don't want him to flirt with me." I'm fucking sick of it. Out of everyone I've hung out with lately, the only ones I'm happy to ee are Misa and Steven.
This all fucking sucks.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


I worry people too much.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Some things.

Before I scamper off to bed.
Poems suck.
Repeditive questions suck.
English sucks.
I better not have to go tomorrow.
Steven is incredible. Quite honestly. He's probably some super hero in disguise.
But I will however get my mother mad at me for using my phone late at night.
Him and Misa will not be going out again. Sad day.
Justin's a fork.
I alsolutly hate my 7 deadly sins project now.
I haven't slept for awhile.
I love my friends.
My back hurts.
Skirts are Evil and Steven wants me to wear one again because he missed it the first time.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Before we resort to the explosives, we'll kill them with our words.

Almost all of my friends are fighting lately. I could make a color coded web with this mess.
Marty and Kelsey are at this constant war with eachother. "She said" and "He said"s are the cause. I don't know where everything went wrong but it seems both are blowing it out of proportion and it has evolved into getting revenge, trying to get even when it all was based on misunderstandings.
Bryan and Kelsey are fighting. Something about 'dumb blonde' comments, and not liking Ariel's new boyfriend. Bryan stopped talking to me when I inquired more information.
Ariel's mad at Bryan.
Misa doesn't trust Ariel's new boyfriend either.
Joe seems to be getting on everyone's last nerve with the current sorrow that has been thrown onto everyone with Samara's tragic death. He has differing opinions from the mass. Especially about this current issue. He thinks everyone should just move on, but everyone else is thinking that this hits a bit closer to home to just move on so quickly. I mean, yes sure they can go right on ahead and tell their views on the matter. By all means. But They need to be calm about it. Everyone seems to be losing their cool about it and cussing eachother out. Hear eachother out! No one is always going to agree with your opinions. THEY ARE OPINIONS. There really is no right or wrong side. It's nothing to get so upset over. Listen. LISTEN to them. Be open minded. Please guys. I mean come on. It's not worth it. But the last time I said that I started crying..
I don't get why everyone can't just be civil. I feel like I'm always in the middle of the battle field and I get hurt the most.

Then there's the Marty thing.. He said he thinks he might be falling in love with me. Well. Crap. I don't want to hurt him..

Friday, March 16, 2007

Ello Space Cadet at your service.

People keep telling me I'm acting weird and distant. *Shrug* I really wish people would just talk to me. I feel like I'm losing my friends again. I sed to have like best friends. Wanting to hang out with me daily, calling me and talking to me constantly. Now? No one. Bryan doesn't even text anymore.
I jumped to conclusions today. I texted Bryan (Wow that totally contridicts the first section) and he said he was at the park. At 9:30 at night? What could he be doing there? Trees. Oh damn. I freaked. Turns out everyone was there. No one bothered to tell me anything.
Cassie's asleep in my room. Happy.
Sadies tomorrow night. June's admin didn't sign her guest pass she has bad grades, so we're going to bypass the system and try to sneak her in. Whoo.
I changed some things on my blog. Dollar for anyone who can tell me all the changes and be specific.
I found Gareth's iPod. It was in my bed all along...
I've been kinda... Meh. I'm sick of people yet I want to be around everyone. But no one really wants me around when I'm all randomly angery and stuff.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Butterfly Kisses and Suicide Notes.

Yesterday. Well it basically sucked. I got to read a suicide note as soon as I got to school. The person who wrote it told me later that he had wrote it the night before, right before he literally put his head in the noose. I cried for hours. Let me tell you, thinking up good stuff for a stupid CSAP prompt is hard when you're depressed out of your mind. I'm glad he's doing better though. I'm constantly worried about him now though..

Today. This accident that happened on Alameda? I don't know much about it. I tried looking at some News websites, but I'm still pretty confused. Anyone care to shed some light?
I wore a skirt to school today. Never again. Atleast not without shorts underneath. I flashed just about all my friends totally on accident. My body is not for skirts. My thighs are not built for skirts or shorts. I love pants leave me alone. And no one would switch me their pants for my skirt. All the girls had well.. petite waists, (As in they wear pants in sizes 3 and 7 and I wear siz 11. Now there's a self image booster.) and none of the guys really wanted to wear a skirt. Marty might have given me his pants if he hadn't gone commando that day. I also got hit on at the park today when I was walking toward my sisters car. "Hey Smalls, nice socks." Wtf. They all go to my school too.
I got to meet Cassie's boyfriend. I helped cook dinner and such. Riley reminds me of two people though. Like a mix of them. If they could breed or something this would be the outcome. Josh my friend from school. And Shannon my brother. I would have told Cassie that but she would have decked me for the brother part.
Mandie and Bryan were having problems yesterday but all seems to be good now. And Mandie is nice and good with Kelsey and Ariel.
I've been kinda qwe;ktrjwenalewhtjqwlikrejghbkr with mood lately. I didn't know how I was feeling then that total SUCK day yesterday (Which I partly blame on myself, because that night I had gotten super mad at him. I obviously did not help matters at all.) and I'm back to not knowing again. I'm questioning how I feel towards everyone. I'm just... feeling so hollow right now.

Monday, March 12, 2007

She falls to the ground.

Is the world really beautiful?
I don't think so.
It's not beautiful. I see no beauty.
Why is she trying so hard to convince me otherwise?

It's a cruel world.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

...And I kept telling myself I'd blog.

I rally did. But then I'd get distracted and stuff. You know me.

Anyways. Since the last post so many things have happened.

-Trevor's talking to me again. Whoo.
-I'm going out with Marty. Also whoo.
-Bryan's going out with Mandie.
-Steven asked out Ariel. She laughed thinking he was kidding. Crash and burn.
-Steven and Misa just might get back together. No garentees though.
-Bryan's been neglectful to everyone since he got together with Mandie. He hasn't called me in four days now. I'm almost mad at him.
-I started distributing myself more evenly around my friends.
-I missed seeing 300 with my friends to see Copacabana. I'm fine with that though.
-I've been obsessed with bouncey balls.
-I had a dream I made out with Marty. And another that I made out with Ariel A.
-Kelsey and Gareth still going strong.
-I'm feeling at lack of emotion and am going to stop listing things now.

Yea. Sorry. I tried to blog.

Don't you hate it when you look upon happy times of past blog entries and it makes you depressed? At one o' freaking clock in the morning too. *Sigh*