Friday, March 16, 2007

Ello Space Cadet at your service.

People keep telling me I'm acting weird and distant. *Shrug* I really wish people would just talk to me. I feel like I'm losing my friends again. I sed to have like best friends. Wanting to hang out with me daily, calling me and talking to me constantly. Now? No one. Bryan doesn't even text anymore.
I jumped to conclusions today. I texted Bryan (Wow that totally contridicts the first section) and he said he was at the park. At 9:30 at night? What could he be doing there? Trees. Oh damn. I freaked. Turns out everyone was there. No one bothered to tell me anything.
Cassie's asleep in my room. Happy.
Sadies tomorrow night. June's admin didn't sign her guest pass she has bad grades, so we're going to bypass the system and try to sneak her in. Whoo.
I changed some things on my blog. Dollar for anyone who can tell me all the changes and be specific.
I found Gareth's iPod. It was in my bed all along...
I've been kinda... Meh. I'm sick of people yet I want to be around everyone. But no one really wants me around when I'm all randomly angery and stuff.


Chipmonk said...

ok im going for the money here we go:
1.picture next to pic
3.links post
5.your title is now stop tires on pavemeMt
6.the thing to comment you says something different

thats it but shame on you for taking gareths ipod *rubs fingers together*

Angie said...

2.yes more specific.
5.No, it's always been like that.

But you did not get them all. Sorry.

And He let me borrow it. I lost it in my bed though.

Anthony said...

That would be weird if it had new song on it like "I'm Angie's Bed" and "That One Time When Angie Slept On Me"