Monday, March 19, 2007

Some things.

Before I scamper off to bed.
Poems suck.
Repeditive questions suck.
English sucks.
I better not have to go tomorrow.
Steven is incredible. Quite honestly. He's probably some super hero in disguise.
But I will however get my mother mad at me for using my phone late at night.
Him and Misa will not be going out again. Sad day.
Justin's a fork.
I alsolutly hate my 7 deadly sins project now.
I haven't slept for awhile.
I love my friends.
My back hurts.
Skirts are Evil and Steven wants me to wear one again because he missed it the first time.

1 comment:

Chipmonk said... all im saying right now but to hell with your mother TECHNOLOGY OWNS YOUR BRAIN!!!!!!!