Friday, April 13, 2007

Hormone Challenged.

So I had an extremely emotional day. I never knew I could be so random with anger and depression. I was fine for first period. (Where Mr. Campbell had no sub so Ms. Starman had to watch over us.) and the beginning of second (I didn't finish second because I had to go to the rehearsal for the assembly) During the assembly I got super depressed and I had no idea why. Third sucked, I totally bombed a quiz. Fourth was okay. I did the homework like a week ago. *Shrug* I guess I did the wrong homework or something. Lunch I started getting angry, but not too bad. On the way to my locker Jared game me duct tape, and French wasn't bad at all. I started to get hyper and happy on the way to photography, but after that I totally went down hill. Seventh period... Man. I took out anger on Bryan, felt bad. Duct taped my mouth shut. Took out more anger on him. Felt bad. Cried. End of period Misa comes up and asks me what's wrong. After she pokes me and harmless stuff, I yell and push her. Then she said we probably shouldn't hang out at my house. I apologized, and felt bad again. She shook her head. I got impatient and yelled "FINE!" and walked off. Ditching everyone. I had offered a ride to Marty before hand. I feel bad for walking off. I cried on the way home. Mom called me Hormone Challenged and I said something like "What!? I think I have more than enough hormones!" "I mean the dealing with them." That made me cry harder. When I got home Dad asked why I wasn't wearing my sweater, and I got angry again. Mom offered me Midol which made me more upset. I went downstairs and started crying. When I stopped crying I called Misa to apologize but ended up crying just leaving her a message. I eventually went upstairs and took two pills of Midol. I ended up curling up in a blanket in a chair and fell asleep watching TV. Woke up in an okay mood. Then I got cramps. Muffin watched TV with me and after awhile I pushed her off hoping someone would be online.

Fucking periods.

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