Saturday, April 21, 2007

Match Maker.

So it seems all of my friends have found mates. Well not literally all, but just about all the ones I hang out with the most. Misa and Steven. Bryan and Ariel. Gareth and Kelsey. Then there's me. I want a boyfriend, them I'm like "Wtf Ang. You don't need one."
Needless to say I'm a bit neglected in my group, but you know who's fault that is? Mine. It is just my fault. I have always been the quiet one, and with everyone paired up I'm even more quiet. It's my own damn fault and I know it.

In other news. I've been freezing all day. Bryan gave me a hoodie.
I dropped down and started crying because my ribs hurt like hell. Bryan was the first to notice and gave me some Advil.
Curtis has a crush on me. Not sure what to think about that..

I listened to some Anberlin at Bryan's. I liked it..

I'm going to try to stop breathing for awhile. Maybe the pain in my ribs will go away.

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