Friday, July 22, 2005

another weird dream...

well.. i had a really weird dream last night... i was at the rookies game, and for some reason everyone was shunning me, i went to go buy some food from peter and he wouldnt let me have any (dude o_O i tried paying with gum O_O;) bailee over heard and payed for my corndog and i gave her my gum, then suddenly we were on the car (wtf a car?) ride back to school, while everyone else walked o_o; and then peter accidently called me cindy, so i went on with this whole "how long have you known me? since first grade? and you STILL cant get my name right?" then bailee said she once called me angela franklin, and i told her that was atleast understandable, but cindy and angela had no relation, when we got back to school, which was hutchinson o_O; i ran off to the play ground and found daniel, he was upset and i left him alone, then i found mary and sarah (wtf? theyre in michigan x.x) then laural tried swinging on one of the swing but kept hitting me, and she told me to back up more, i told her i couldnt (i was up against a chainlink fence already) and glared at her, laurel kept trying to get me to move, then mary just told her to drop it, and laurel asked why, and mary said so i would feel ok, so i didnt linger on upsetting thoughts, laurel thought that was completely stupid and walked away, i looked at mary and then we were summoned to go inside, but before we could go inside we had to wait for the sevies to go in, and they were all dressed up for halloween o_o; then we went inside, and mary went striaght into one of the second grade teachers rooms, i told her i didnt think she was supppose to be there, and she didnt think so either, so we went searching for room 12, when we found it, the teachers took mary in and left me in the hall, i looked around and there wasnt a soul to be found, i started crying, and thats about when i woke up weird eh? ah well, imma go watch cartoons or something although my throat is feeling better... ^_^

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