Tuesday, July 12, 2005

day 22 and 9 days left...i think anyways...

well, last night, cassie and mom went to target or walmart or something and cassie got new clthes and shoes, but minky was so freaked out by the shoes, and ended up scratching me on the leg and did a backflip, i got this huge headache, and it kept getting worse by the minute, and i still kinda have it, well talked to trevor on the phone till aboout midnight, and i fell asleep with my invader zim shirt i was wearing on, had these really weird dreams, and imma write it down to make sure i dont forget them, well in one of my dreams i was at my newphews house along with cassie and we were making forts and seeing which ones stood up better, well krista told us to be careful because some bandits were on the loose so we played until we heard some noise, so we went in our tree forts and waited quietly, we saw them drive by but they saw cassie and i, cassie and i ran and we finally lost them so we went home, when we got home it was dark, so we crept silently into the house, we got in sleeping bags and went to sleep, but i awoke to a sound outside, i got freaked out and ran into cassies room and told her i was scared, she looked at the clock and told me i should get out of her room fast or id be locked in because of the arlarm system, well the alarm system turned on and i told her i was fine and id stay in her room, well dont ask how but the walls disappeared and we were in our sleeping bags in the middle of the road, well i decided to slee on the side, all of a sudden we heard the bandits again, and i pulled cassie to the side of the road, we watched them pass in one of our cars, we got up after they passed and ran home, by the time we got there dad was taking one of the cars to get away, and mom took the house (*shrug* i guess it was a house on wheels?) cassie and i tried warning her before she left that theyd reconize the house and get her but she drove off, i looked at cassie and asked what car we were going to take, the neon had room but its fuel was leaking, so we took the truck, cassie sped out of the driveway and i asked her where we were going to go, anyone we knew would turn us in to the bandits in a heartbeat, so she said the american diner, i reminded her that it was closed and she told me we should be safe there then, thats about the time i woke up and rolled over and went back to sleep because it was still early yet, then i had another dream, i was at hutchinson only i was there with all the friends i met at dunstan, i got mad because people were ignoring me, so i started to run, (one of the things i do when im upset) sharon grabbed my arm so i wouldnt leave but i brushed her off and ran not too far away and sat on top of a hill, one of the aids come over to try to get me to tell her whats wrong, i told her nothing, then she asked if my friends were the problem, i told her that she didnt know any of my friends or how great they were, i asked her to name any of the kids she actually knew, and she couldnt so i told her to leave me alone, she was about to get up when trevor ran over out of breath and collapsed on the ground next to us, he layed his head in my lap and started laughing, i patted his head and the aid started freaking out and tryed to get him to sit up to see if he was ok, then he looked up at me and smiled and thats about the time i woke up again, by then it was around 10 so i decided to get up, i went to the computer and found my head still hurt from the night before, i didnt really do much, around 3 cassie left for work and alittle after i started scanning some drawings, chelsea called and convinced me to go for a walk,... kinda funny though, she kept saying it want hot outside, i said it was and she said she saw a guy taking a walk so i said "so that guys insane your point!?" we went to glennon, went on the swings for less than five minutes found it was way too hot, and we walked to my house, she stayed here for awhile, then went home and here is where ive been since

1 comment:

Angie said...

really... i thought you got back on the 21 though