Sunday, August 21, 2005

LYRIC TIME! explict content. BONUS a post if i feel like it...

these are some of my favorote ICP (insane clown posse) songs
this one is just really fun to listen to...
in order, for one to metamorphasize, from one's inner self being projected out into
the astral plane and to rematerialize into an inanamite object or another living
organism for that matter is entirely and absolutely impossible, however

if i was your tv i'd be like, look at me
if i was shooting star i be like shooooom (peace)
if i was a fat bitches thong i'd be like hell nah
if i was a hotties thong i'd be like ahh
if i was a cuss word i'd just be like, fuck
if i was a rock on the moon i'd be chillin like sup
if i was a butthole i'd just be an exit
if i was the DOC i'd be like "man this is bull shit"
if i was your tires on your car i'd be like (car noises)
if i was the bumper on your car i'd be like ahh fuck
if i was a balloon i'd be like (balloon losing air)
if i was Alyssia Milano i'd be fucking Joe Bruce
if i was a radio DJ i'd probably say, point 103
if i was a richie ass bitch i'd be like, um ok
if i was spin magazine i'd put a mirror on the cover and be like
fuck us and all our readers, even this mother fucker
if i was your mental stress i'd be catching up
if i was your headaches every now and then I'd be like thuuummmp
if i was your tounge i'd be hatin' your teeth i'd be like
ah why do you try to bite me every time we eat?
if i was a chair i'd be like sit here
and if i was kid rock i'd cut my feathered wolf hair
if i was your muffler i'd be like shhh quietly
if i was a price tag i'd be like you ain't buyin me
if i was a fresh DJ i'd be like (scratching record)
if i was jam master jay i'd be like(scratching record)
if i was a cheap clock radio i'd be like (radio static)
if i was barry white i'd be like what up ya'll
if i was a nipple in the cold i'd be like (spring noise)
if i was your dead uncle i'd be like
if i was a rain drop i'd just be like (rain drop)
and i had an axe and your neck i might say Chop

If i was if i was but i'll never be
(if i was if i was but i'll never be)
If i was if i was but i'll never be
(if i was if i was but i'll never be)
If i was if i was boy your killing me
(if i was if i was boy your killing me)
If i was if i was but i'll never be
(If i was if i was but i'll never be)

If i was a faygo at one of our shows
i'd fly through the air into an ocean of juggalo's
if i was Andre the giant this is how i would be manly
if i was father mc i'd be like yeah what happened
if i was a mirror i'd find another mirror
and look each other dead in the eye, crystal clear
if i was a slider i'd slid out your but, i'd be floating in the toilet
looking at you like what?
if i was a pilot i'd be like air traffic control
if i was john denver i'd be like ahhhh
if i was a switch i'd be like flip me yoohoo
if i was a london cop car i'd be like (siren)
if i was chewbacca i'd get me a fresh ass ?face?
if i was vanilla ice i'd be like fuck yall i'm still paid
if i was a stop sign i'd just be like stop
if i was your wooden leg i'd still be giving you the hip hop

I like the chorus in this one ^_^
I Love my faygo, my nyquil pills, shaggy, I love my buddies, my hatchetman, but I love my axe

My axe iz my buddy, I bring him when I walk
me and my axe will leave your head outlined in chalk
My axe is my buddy, he always makes me laugh
me and my axe cut bigot spinal chords in half
My axe is my buddy, and when I wind him back
me and my axe will give your forehead a buttcrack
my axe is my buddy, I never leave without him
me and my axe will leave your neck a bloody fountain

[CHORUS 2x:]
everybody everybody everybody run
murdering murdering murdering fun
swing swing swing
chop chop chop
swing swing swing
chop chop chop

My axe is my buddy, we right the planet's wrongs
me and my axe leave bigots dead on richie lawns
My axe is my buddy, he never make me cry
me and my axe will leave a divot for your eye


My axe is my buddy, don't take him for a chump
me and my axe will leave you hoppin' on a stump

[CHORUS 2x:]

interlude: look into the deadest tree, tell me baby wut you see
don't you hear the branches cry, asking for the reasons why
did they hang so many men, from the branches off of them
why did humans make them play, with them in their evil way
look into the moon's beam, can't you fathom what it's seen
bodies dragging from a truck, driven by a bigot fuck
why you think the heavens cry, acid rain and blizzard skys
aint no covering the tracks, that's why I'm here and oh yes

My axe is my buddy, he'll thump into your head
me and my axe will make your white T-shirt all red
My axe is my buddy, you let that dixie wave
me and my axe will fuck your mother on your grave


My axe is my buddy, we both cry with the trees
me and my axe will bring the devil to his knees


this song... is just good
oys and girls everybody gather round all in together now
Love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
Must kill you, must kill you, must kill you, must kill you

Verse 1
I'm kinda fat and I sweat alot
but that's the only bad creepy things I got
That and maybe the whole murdering aspect
but we aint even really got to that yet
I love people I love everything about them
and that's why I gotta live life without them
Huh? I know this don't make any sense to you but fuck you
this songs about me exclusively
Murder, Murderous, Murderation
The murdering mentality without an explanation
I'm Mr. Happy and I ride a bike (Ching)
I aint gotta seat I just sit on the pipe thing
I whistle, I sing I'll pet your poodle
I'll twist and squeeze your neck like a wet noodle
Cuz I'm so happy I'll stab your ass
and lay down next to you dead in the grass and say
Oh, it feels so good everytime I murder I get happy

Happy, happy, happiest
I'm happy, happy happiest
I'm happy, happy, happiest
I'm happy, happy, happiest
Murder, murder, murder you
I murder, murder, murder you
I murder, murder, murder you
I murder, murder, murder you

Verse 2
I love you so hand me your neck
let me teach you about love and respect
Respect the fact that I love to kill
wait a minute yall I gotta take my pill
(Zanoffs, it works, I'm down to only 3 people a day)
My victims, I give em love and care
I don't wanna get blood everywhere
I don't use a chainsaw or a butcher knife
that's so 90's, get it right
I never mutilate or chop my loves
all I really need is a pair of gloves
Or maybe a car I'll run em down with it
I know that can be messy but the birds will get it
Don't you see that I love you...idiots
I'm Mr. Happy and I'm all about fun
Now get in the pit and try to kill someone
Oh it feels so good everytime I murder I get happy

Happy, happy, happiest
I'm happy, happy happiest
I'm happy, happy, happiest
I'm happy, happy, happiest
Murder, murder, murder you
I murder, murder, murder you
I murder, murder, murder you
I murder, murder, murder you

Verse 3
My bike has a basket full of strawberries
I picked them myself along with apples and cherries
and lemons and oranges and boogers and limes
plus theres a faygo in there but that's mine
red flowers like after your dead
I'll plant seeds and grow em out the side of your head
I got flowers all over the back yard
In the form of a Joker's card
Uh oh
Feels good I'm like the choko of my neighborhood
I'm one of those midnight creeps at Denny's
talking to myself and licking my pennies
I got a french fry hanging out of my beard
Don't go near that guy, he's weird
You know I'm all good and everythings all right
When you hear this scream in the middle of the night, like this
Oh, it feels so good everytime I murder I get happy

Happy, happy, happiest
I'm happy, happy happiest
I'm happy, happy, happiest
I'm happy, happy, happiest
Murder, murder, murder you
I murder, murder, murder you
I murder, murder, murder you
I murder, murder, murder you

Happy, happy, happiest
I'm happy, happy happiest
I'm happy, happy, happiest
I'm happy, happy, happiest
Murder, murder, murder you
I murder, murder, murder you
I murder, murder, murder you
I murder, murder, murder you

QUESTIONS! whee good song XD
Why, every time I reach for the sky I can only reach so high, why
why, every time I head-but a brick wall I always crack my skull, why
why, every time I stab somebody, I always get my clothes bloody, why
why, every time I drive down the wrong side of the street, everyone wanna be, why
why, every time I'm broke and I sell rock I wind up in a cell block, why
why, every time I shoot somebody in the face, pigs give chase, why
why, every time I drink a little gasoline, I shit my spleen, why
why, when I try to fly like a birdy, I wind up on a gurney, why

[Chorus 2x]
Won't you tell me why
someone tell me why
Jesus tell me why
I must find out why

Why, every time I swallow a fat head nail, my neck feels stale, why
Why, every time I contact dark spirits, they wanna break my mirrors, why
Why, every time I choke a friends neck, he don't come back, why
Why, every time I stab my eyes with an ice pick, I cant see shit, why
Why, every time I play chicken with a train, it wins the game, why
Why, every time I wake the dead up, the try to eat my head up, why
Why, every time I see my reflection, I see no direction, why
Why, every time I order a taco, you want a bite muthafucko, tell me why

[Chorus 2x]
Won't you tell me why
someone tell me why
Jesus tell me why
I must find out why

Why, every time I raise my arms in celebration, playahation, why
Why, just cause I'm dead in decation, you give me no ass, why
Why, every time I chew on thumb tacks, I get blood on my snacks, why
Why, every time I kick faygos in the sky, you wanna know why, why
Why, every time an angel wanna kiss me, it always seems to miss me, why
Why, every time I shangri-la seem so far away, you better leave to day, why

[Chorus (until song ends)]
Won't you tell me why
someone tell me why
Jesus tell me why
I must find out why

well i was going to do radio play, but i cant find all the lyrics, ah well thats from the cd bizzar

BONUS POST! wheeee... i had an uber long postttttt that i wrote yesterday morning while i was waiting for trevor to come pick me up, ended up finishing it right as he got here, hit publish and such... and it didnt go through T_T and by the time i got home it wouldnt recover my post... so guess if you REALLY want to know what happened after orientation then ask me? cause im not typing it again, GAWD so long... anyways yesterday was stalk trevor day, or atleast for me, wheeeeeeee... so we drove to boondocks, we did the go-karts, annnnddd.... then... video games... DDR OMG and then lunch... inwhich i only ate an ice cream sandwich and downed a dr pepper, then laser tag.... red team lost... the team me and trevor were on....and green team won the team howard and trevors mom was on T_T and then.... more go carts... and i was run into the wall by NO OTHER THAN AGGRESSIVE DRIVER TREV XD which was funny... i was stuck so i had to sit there and raise my hand, and everyone who past me laughed at me cause i got a bit agressive too, and kept cutting him off... and he kept getting ahead of me and swerving back and forth... so id yell ^_^, and in the end... literally, the end of the race... trevor got stuck on a wall XD NICE anyways, after that we went back in the archade... and... did basically nothing o_O; then we drove to trevors house and i looked through photo albums... OMG TREVOR WAS A NINJA! while trevor baked brownies, by the time i was done with the three albums he was waiting for the brownies to be done, and we just sat on the kitchen floor, my stomach started hurtting really bad, so i curled up in a ball and tried to ignore it, brownies got all baked and such... and i went to the window and watched the rain, and trevor started making cake, and i sat under the counter yet again curled up in a ball, and for some really odd reason i felt like i really needed to cry *shrug* after awhile i ended up using trevor as a pillow and still being semi curled up in a ball, realllly trying not to cry, thhheeennn the cake was all done and such, so we waited for it to cool to frost it, then trevors mom came back and told us to come to the party for a bit, and so we did and i ate a hotdog... then we played ping pong... trevor and i both REALLY suck, but hes still better than me, and then i watched trevor and howard play, then we went back to trevors house and just sat on the couch for awhile, and my side started hurting even more, so yet again curled into a ball, then we went insearch of a movie, found galaxy quest and decided to watch that, i curled up in the armchair, trevor sat infront of it and trevors mom sat in the computer chair, when it was over it was like... 9:15 and trevors mom went back to the party and trevor and i just kinda sat in the dark doing nothing... cept i couldnt stop shaking, felt like i had just woken up or something, like... id stretch and then id shake, but normally thats only for a couple minutes... i ended up shaking for like an hour o_o; at 9:45 we went to retrieve trevors mom so she could take me home, and by the time i walked in the door it was like 9:56 and mom said i was lucky because dad was in a grounding mood, i went downstairs, still shaking, went on the computer, then found i was extremely hungry... so i went upstairs and found chocolate cake, so i ate that ^_^ when i was finished my stomach really hurt e.e and found we had like NO milk... so i cursed at my stomach for taunting me so, anddddd... off the computer watched whose line is it anyway until midnight while i layed on the basement floor trying to get minky not to groom me e.<; annnddd... umm... after that i went to bed... woke up several times this morning... and went back to sleep then came out to the computer... and what was kinda ironic aboout yesterday was mom let me go if i promised to eat, and i barely did that X3 anyways... hopefully i can get the basement user friendly and some friends can come over... HOPEFULLY... T.T anyways i should do that... or something...


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