Saturday, October 15, 2005

you might be an Angie if...?

do you wait all day online just to talk to someone for less than five minutes? do you wait for someone outside of their class so you can walk with them? have you seen someones face and cant help but smiling? do you spend most of your day looking at the floor infront of you instead of holding your head high? do you do things to get yourself notices just so you dont have to start conversations with people? are you scared of what people think of you? have you tried staving yourself to fit in? have you bled just to get your mind off it all? have you felt so self conscience that whenever you heard whispers you were convinced they were talking about you? are you that person in the back of the class no one notices? are you only known by who your friends with? do you miss people so much that youd rather take the heat for walking over to wherever they are in the middle of the night than to go another minute with no contact? have you ever just wanted to stop and scream? do you ever just close your eyes and wish you were somewhere else? have you ever just closed your eyes while on the swings or on a rollorcoaster and just went with the flow? are you the type of person thatcan think clearly when everything around you is chaos but while your alone you cant get a complete thought for the life of you? do all of your thoughts and problems seem to dissappear when you see one person? do your thoughts seem to repeat themselves? do the voices of your mind hate each other and seem to fight over the smallest things? do you hate pain yet love it all at the same time? do you do stupid things that harm yourself just to get a small smile or laugh from someone whos crying? have you become the total oppisite of what you said youd be when you were younger? do you miss people so much you spend endless nights crying? do you love the rain? do you hate being cold but lover making snowforts and simpley lying out in the backyard as snowflakes fall on you? do you love laughing but almost everytime you do someone makes fun of your laugh? is there a fine line between what you look and sound like when your crying and laughing? are you afriad of showing your true self to people for what they may think? are you unsure of what the realy you is like? do you hide your emoitions just so people wont worry? do you remember what happiness is? do you miss the times when you actually loved yourself and honestly didnt care what people thought? do you think "i love you" more than you say it? do you answer people without saying and word and just thinking it all in your head? then feeling like a moron for just staring at someone for over 3 minutes in silence? when people ask you whats wrong do you scream at yourself in your head telling yourself just to fucking tell them everything, but all your mouth can seem to say is nothing? did you have open heary surgery because there was a hole in your heart that you were born with? are you self conscience about your scar from that surgery and people walking up to you and asking what happened? are you scared people will notice the scars on your arms wrists and legs? do you cry for no apparent reason? if all of these and more are true about you, then you just might be a clone, and now for all of you that have read this you may or may not know more about me, and if you knew it all, you know me all too well and really... if you know all of this already, then thats kinda pathetic, i am nothing to get worked up over, i dont deserve to have the friends i have, i dont deserve any of the love i get from people, everyone was just fine before they knew me, and they would be just fine without me, never forget that

1 comment:

L.E. said...

i believe i am your clone. except for the heart surgery thing, sorry but i can't say that i have experianced that. but everything else...its like we are twins or something, i know how all of that stuff is like. and it can suck pretty bad.