Thursday, November 17, 2005

Another rant about cassie

you know what really sucks? when cassie takes something i feel strongly about contrdicts it then asks for a "favor" OKIE THATS THE SHORT STORY THE LONG ONE ISSS!:
last night when i was making mom a cappicino cassie asks where i got the photo from my backround, i honestly couldnt remember i think it was off of quizzila or something, well then she starts going through my pictures folder and asks to use some of the pictures, i said no not without asking the people permission because thats all art theifty, she yells "yea i know but you know what i dont care!" then she keeps looking and grabs my arm, like she normally does when she wants me to do something, i yank it away and yell "dont touch me" because eventhough she may not realize it, or maybe its on purpose but she hits me hard, she grabbs onto me hard, she "pats my head" hard, hell she would leave bruses if i didnt back off so fast, and she still persists on hurting me, like oh hey shell be fine, shes got no feelings, its alright to punch her, ANYWAYS i got ticked off at her then she decided she wanted to use my desktop, i pushed her out of the way and changed the desktop because im still ticked off at her that she was on my freaking messengers! then when i said id put a password on my desktop cassie goes "oh thats so hard your passwords are always the same" THEN TOLD JUSTIN WHAT THEY WERE freakin hell, yes i do know her password, i can go and mess up everything she has, but im better than that! hell i know enough things to probably get her kicked out of the house, but do i EVER EVEN ONCE tell our parents? NO! because i SAID i wouldnt i PROMISED, but as soon as i say one thing to cassie she ALWAYS runs and tells mom, and she tells ME that i go by dount standards? EXCUSE ME!? and one of the things i hate most is that bi can stay mad for long amounts of time, cassie would yell at me, ill get pissed off, and she comes right back all nice to ask me to do something, i mean really, she came come home ill be nice, like when she came home from aunt cindys, she had a paper bag in her hand, said hey cassie when she walked in and asked what was in the bag, ABSOLUTLY NO ATTITUDE IN MY VOICE and she goes "food and not for you fuck off" the hell, she comes home and within 30 seconds were fighting

ANYWAYS all in all
i hate cassie and wish she would move out


Anonymous said...

You should convince your parents to rent out cassie's room. Then tell them how'd they would save all this money if she wasn't there.

L.E. said...

sounds like me and Hannah. I wish i knew enough stuff to get her kicked out... Fighting with you're sister isn't fun, even if i have the advantage most of the time. it just gets old after a while. Especially when ppl point it out, and say "you'll be best friends someday". ya. right.

*heart* LE