Monday, March 13, 2006

Love without complication galore

so, another school day.... csap tomorrow and such...bleh, i hate csap, i dont like the fact i have to be quiet for so long
anyways today! i was the replacement fuji, fuji was home sick, verrry sick, so i was the replacement, and if for some reason i cant fufill my duties, we al know mustard can replace me cassies mad at me now, i seem to screw up alot now dont i?
anyways first period was english, we did some things with suffixs and prefixs, and tomorrow we get to do something infront of the class so well all remember the joys of suffixes and prefixxes, im in a group with KC kristen and laurel, were doing sokmething with ninjas, pirates and ghandi
...heh, some people know how to cheer me up without knowning im upset...
anways on to second period, fuji was gone so i talking to myself, and i sat in her seat, i was the replacement fuji after all
third period, i well... goofed off most of that period, erin and i had been ahead, so mr owens made me take the attendence down to the office instead of watching the movie
fourth we had a test, i bet i failed
lunch, well... that was fun, laura and i went for walks around the school, along with phillip, and everything is fun with phillip, and he put lauras backpack in the tree
fifth... i dont remember... i think we were talking about csap... that cant be good
sixth, we did our commercial about martinique and roughly translated....
Adam:HELLO PEOPLE, do you like the tropics? (i think anyways, i cant remember straight...)
Me: Yes! The tropical is magical
Adam: *walks over to ryan* HELLO PERSON OF AMERICA! would you like to go to martinique?
Ryan: (in english) BOY WOULD I! (in french randomly) i would speak friend to get to martinique!
All together now!: *singing* martinique est bon, martinique est amusant... est..... *looks like we forgot what we were thinging* ... TRES BON!

(in english: martinique is good, martinique is (looks like we forgot what we were thinking*.... VERY GOOD!
Ryan and me: its a trip! *cowering*

so yup... that was it
seventh, i goofed off again, i didnt have my film done... take pictures of downtown denver while its snowing? i dont think so e_e

got home and made a bandana that has ninja written on it, i made it out of an old shirt which is still too big for me, but has enough holes to make it so i wont wear it

i got upset

and now im fine... kinda...
for now anyways, as long as sarah doesnt bring trevor up like that in the middle of a fight again..

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