Thursday, August 17, 2006


so cassie and i got our new glasses today, hers were long overdue and she got to experience "the bumps" again, for all you people that remember first getting your glasses, you know what this is, she kept yelling about being able to see individual blades of grass, and leaves, and rocks, and i kept saying the frames on mine arent as big as last time, and for all you who know me, i wear my glasses farther down on my nose than most people, so it makes a big difference
and i got a skeleton from biglots =D he goes in my room, now to think of a name that isnt the gernaric "bones" because i am not naming a skeleton in my room after a puppet i used to have nightmares about, just no
and yesterday i looked emo
i had emo hair, yes i did

but you know what
i hate my face and its need to always have zits, and ive tried numurous products to help said problem, and now mom has bought me pills, bad part was she bought them for me when i was PMSing and i took it very offencively, i dont want to take pills anyways, especially ones they want me to chew
but anyways, that was justins hat, i hung out with him most of the day yesterday and it was magical, not really but it was fun, and i got food and faygo, orange faygo, but by the end of the day i wasnt in the best mood, i dont know why, but i got really irritable and well, it pretty much showed, especially when i started crying while on the phone with kyle, for what reason? i still dont know, all he noticed was i was being super quiet, and thats good, i dont like people knowing im crying while im crying, later yea sure whatever i can laugh about it, but while im crying i feel bad for putting them through that
anyways, imma go put contacts in, water the flowers and junk in the backyard, then clean my room, because i need to find a place to put the skeleton
and since we have batteries for the camera now, im going to take pictures of skeleton, my shoes, and other random things, so expect pictureage ^_^
so the other day was registration, so far i dont think any of my friend have the same classes as me e_e but heres the shedual
1st biology-Dewey
2nd off
seminar- campbell
3rd geometry- henningsen
4th american history- starman
5th french 301- henningson
6th photography- sopcisak
7th english- boston
...and does anyone know about these black and gold days?...
oh... and look at how much ive changed

last year and this years id, mom said i could have ran away and no one would have been able to find me


right shoe

left shoe

FAYGO! ^_^

if you cant tell im bored and going through pictures

that was my backyard during the totally random hail storm a month ago or so

that big pile of dirt in the last picture turned into this over the summer

okay i think im done for awhile ._.


Anthony said...

We can meet eachother during 1-2nd period, I have dewey biology/dewey 2nd. and I have 2ND OFF I CAN LEAVE EARLY HA HA!!!!!

L.E. said...

wait...u have science 2nd as well as 2nd off???