Tuesday, August 22, 2006

summer days, drifting away

ugh, so school starts again... summer is offcially DEAD and i didnt see my friends quite as much as i liked, and my summer was... full of drama, and this drama shall leak into the school year, yay stressed out!
anyways... morning before the first day of school
ive got my full throttle so i can be like bouncing off the walls by atleast my off period, everyone gets to see how much ive changed
and i think were leaving now? i dont know i was gonna post some pictures but this is all you get for now ^_^
klrjtow45nt SO! its after ym first day being a sophmore OMG
i have alot of energy right now
and i was so hyper during my off hour... ANYWAYS

before school! i totally attacked everyone i knew that i saw, and hurt most of them by attacking of hugs, i was in much need of hugs over the summer, im making up for lost times

first period-biologyyyyyy! i like the teacher guy, he reminds me of hippy-ish people "we all need to get along with eachother" and so on, and and and i have it with ARIELOMGYAY but, i dont sit near her and its tres trist...e? anyways, the highlight of the class is when one of the kids said "orgasm" instead of "organism", then the teacher started saying something about "maybe apart of living is having orgasms" which of course made everyone giggily

SECOND PERIOD!- my off hour, by then the full throttle was kicking in and i was shaking and bouncing off the walls, and i was all happy that missy had the same off hour then she changed her shedual! T_T and i made a new friend, the girl that got hit by the car last year, i know her now, her name is brandy and shes my new friend, when im hyper i make alot of friends, and i do cartwheels in the commons, and i bit myself because i was hungry

SEMINAR! not as bad as i thought it would be, although i guess it helps that i know half the people in there because they all have last names around mine, which means i had LANA! and ariel! so i was like omgyay, and since i have mr campbell its gonna be fun, i can tell already, although this one kid kinda freaked me out, every time i glanced around the room he was staring at me, and there was a kid with a really cool name...who happened to be in the wrong class, so all was lost, and apparently we cant give teachers nicknames anymore, something about respect which i didnt see a problem before, but whatever

3rd!- geometry- i like the teacher so far, he reminds me of mr hovis, but not too much which is good, and jareds in my class, thats a plus, but he doesnt sit near me, so minus, nothing really big to report on that...

4th!- american history- i like ms starman ^_^ shes nice, i like my class too, but by then i was really hungry, and the bite mark on my arm was still vivid

5th!- french- was fine i guess, i dont like the teacher, i dont know why, but she just bugs me

lunch! - i attacked some of my friends, i dont have many friends in my lunch, its depressing

6th!- photography, this was... well it was, got to see most everyone from last year, some new kids, we basically just looked for photography styles

7th!- english- about the only people i really know in that class are KC, kristen, and nicole, we get to choose our own seats and i like ms boston, should be a good class

so that was my day, im kinda ticked off at a couple of my friends, but thats alright, one of them doesnt seem to care anyways


Anthony said...

That was funny when you hit my nutz in the hall. They hurt for most of first period, lol. BUT WAIT we can see eatchother between 1st and 2nd because i have biology 2nd and im really close so tommorow ill look for you because i have no friends in biology. sad face.

Angie said...

im still really sorry i hurt you, i dont mean to hurt my friends but i seem to hurt most of them, next time i attack you with hugs, ill have both my backpackstraps on, or just drop my backpack all together

Anthony said...

its ok. it didn't really hurt me that much, i was exagerating a little.