Tuesday, September 05, 2006

"That just makes me want to have a vagina all the more!"

so today nothing really eventful happened until TAU
first hour-biology- i was so out of it i dont even remember what we did
second hour-off- i finished my american history homework
seminar-campbell- we read, i lost my book and borrowed lana's, i kinda like it, maybe ill read it when shes done with the first one so i wont be quite as confused
third hour-math- erm... i dont remember that class reallt either
fourth hour-american history- notessss
fifth hour-french-i dont really remember much of that either
lunch-missy and i talked about where we live, it turns out she lives on the other side of simms park, but shes still close so thats all good, ariel got v for vendetta, and i asked if i could borrow it or go to her house to watch it, missy gave me hot cheetos for ditching me so much lately, jacqi gave me a hug, i looked for mariah with ellie
sixth hour-photography- i spent most of the house trying to figure out which prints to...put on cardboard
seventh hour-english- well, we red a story by edgar allen poe, analized it
after school-TAU!- ^_^ this was all very fun and amusing and fun, and the discussion afterwards was also amusing, kentons girlfriend, i think her name is becca, which is jacqis old girlfriend, is getting a tounge ring soon, jacqi glared at kenton and told him that she hated him, then kenton goes "but it just makes me want to have a vagina all the more!" jacqi broke down laughing, and while on the floor she hugged kentons leg and said she loved him, all of which was very amusing, caitlin gave me a ride home, and im definatly going back next week, and i invite anyone else to come too, especially if youre not a caucasian female, because all but two people are those, being kenton and some josh kid


Anthony said...

Lol, 1-7th periods=boring, OH WAIT THEN THEN I WENT TO TAU LOLOLOLOL!!

Angie said...

EXACTLY! TAU was funnnn ^_^