Friday, December 22, 2006

Snow, Snow, Snow, We hate snow, Hate, Hate, Hate, Bad, Bad, Bad, Jebwee Jebwee

First day of actual break. It's my dad's birthday today.
Since none of my family seems to be going up to my aunt's house for Christmas, my mom decided, "Hey! let's have the Christmas party here since we are absolutely unready for any type of party, and have too much family to fit into this house comfortablely. We have no presents for anyone, but Angie, pick up that phoone and call relatives to see if they can come!" Or atleast that's what I heard come out of her mouth. And out of all relatives that I called, only three picked up. My aunt Cindy, my brother Shannon, and my nephew Josh. Cindy doesn't know because she's already done so much to prepare at her house, and she doesn't know if she can get down the mountain. Shannon is going where ever Krista and Doc are going. And when I called Krista, Josh answered and said she wasn't home, so I left a message with him. Everyone else I called I left a very lame, uninformitive message. I think we have a total of three presents under our tree, two of which are mine for other people. My dad and my sister. I didn't get around to getting a present for mom. Because I'm kinda out of cash. Stupid Target.
So possible movie night tonight. Last weekend when I went to the mall with Marty, I decided I really wanted a movie night. Marty kinda tried to organize one, but I'm pretty sure the only ones that can go are me and him. Misa's parents are mad that she's stayed the night at Steven's house twice this week because of snow. Steven well, won't come unless Misa's coming. Bryan may or may not be leaving for Nebraska today. Hah. Nebraska. Good luck there Bryan.

1 comment:

Anthony said...

Too bad every movie sucks right now.